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This post is more than 5 years old


October 7th, 2005 13:00

McAfee Antivirus NOT COMPATIBLE with Windows XP Media Center!

I have been getting a "Code 3" error when I attempt to record a show within MCE and had heard that this was related to McAfee's most recent antivirus update. I contacted McAfee about this today and I was informed that their products are NOT COMPATIBLE with MCE 2005. I found this funny because

Dell shipped my new computer with McAfee and MCE2005. Below is the actual chat session with the McAfee tech support:

>Please wait while we find a technician to assist you...

> You have been connected to Von Kildare.

> Von Kildare: Chris, thank you for contacting McAfee Online Support Center.

> How can I assist you with your McAfee software today?

> Chris: Since a McAfee update a few days ago, my Windows XP Media Center 2005

> logs a "code 3" error when I attempt to record a tv show. I checked on

> Microsoft's forums and others have reported the same problem. What do I do to

> rollback the latest McAfee update?

> Von Kildare: No McAfee products are comptible with Windows XP media center.

> Von Kildare: Sorry, compatible.

> Von Kildare: They will not work with this version of Windows XP.

> Chris: So the best solution is using an alternative antivirus software?

> Von Kildare: It depends on you.

> Chris: Why does Dell use McAfee with their Win XP MCE2005 computers?

> Von Kildare: I do not know that.

> Chris: Thanks, I will remove McAfee since I am still in my free trial period and

> let Dell know that they should not be using McAfee with their Win XP MCE2005

> systems.

> Von Kildare: Your reference number for this chat session is 15615282.

88 Posts

October 7th, 2005 16:00

Seems to be luck of the draw with McAfee if you read the post further down from drdon. I wonder if you also reached the general McAfee support and not that specific to the Dell partnership. As you can see in that post, my chat session went very differently, and I reached that Tech from the Dell partner page at McAfee where you have the choice of chat or apparantly free phone support as a Dell customer. Maybe try that?
Good luck! You now have me curious to make sure my 9100 with MCE'05 will record without a problem as I'm running McAfee without any other problems (yet) and the DAT was recently updated...

16 Posts

October 7th, 2005 16:00


I finally saw the previous post and accessed McAfee via the Dell support link. It was of no help but at least the person tried...they did not say McAfee was incompatible with MCE.

My guess is you have not installed the 90-day free trial of McAfee Privacy Service. Once I deleted this software, MCE & the other McAfee software seems to be working fine.

Just for fun, give it a try. You will see what I mean.


16 Posts

October 7th, 2005 16:00


I figured out (no thanks to McAfee Tech Support) how to get around the initial "Code 3" error I was getting when I attempted to record a show.

The conflict is with the update to McAfee Privacy Center. I had recently initiated a 90-day free trial of the program. I simply deleted the program from Add/Delete Programs and everything is back to normal...

Still, the issue with McAfee being incompatible with MCE 2005 exists so I am reluctantly going back to Norton.

88 Posts

October 7th, 2005 16:00

You are correct! I only use VirusScan and have a full version of the latest.

Message Edited by geotex1 on 10-07-2005 02:33 PM

16 Posts

October 7th, 2005 17:00

I would leave it that way!

6 Posts

October 9th, 2005 22:00

I also have had this problem over the last few days.  For me, I was able to narrow it down to a Privacy Service auto update and do a System Restore (from the system tools menu) to a restore point prior to the Privacy Service update.  After the system came back up, I disabled the auto update function in the Dell (McAfee) Security Center.
I don't see how we, nor Dell, could have forseen this update causing a problem.  However, Dell ships lots of these systems with Security Center installed and it seems like they should have some clout with the powers that be at McAfee.
If McAfee says they don't support their product on XP Media Center Edition (a seemingly dumb move on their part), then Dell should be putting some pressure on them to support it, or stop promoting/selling and preinstalling it on their systems.
Anybody from Dell following this thread?
If so, let us know how you make out.

11 Posts

October 10th, 2005 23:00

Thanks for all the information in this post.  It helped me troubleshoot why i was getting the "Code: 3" error.  Neither Dell or McAfee was any help.  Usually Dell has been excelent help, but I did get the run around this time.

I even tried a reinstall of the system to "factory settings" and only installed McAfee and was getting the error.  I un-installed the privacy service and... vaoula!  No more error.  So, now I'm running without the privacy service!   :)

I even checked on the packaging of McAfee, and it does not mention that it does not support Media Edition, but does support XP Home and Pro.  So I guess you need to not only read the fine print, but also read between the fine print too...


October 13th, 2005 02:00

Thank you so much for posting this infomation. I had been banging my head against the wall trying to get the guide to download, after months of no problems. I uninstalled the privacy program, and was back up and working in 5 minutes. Thanks SO MUCH for sharing this!!!

6 Posts

October 14th, 2005 19:00

Has anyone made any progress on this?  I know we all seem to have some work around or another, but has anyone actually been able to get Privacy Services and Media Center to work together?

I had a chat with a McAfee support rep who seemed very nice, but didn't have a clue.  In the end, he insisted that uninstalling and reinstalling Privacy Services would solve the problem.  I explained to him that it worked fine until Privacy Services got it's last update and when I backed out the update it worked again.  He insisted that uninstalling and reinstalling would work.  I don't believe him, so I haven't done this.

Has anyone tried uninstalling and reinstalling?  Does anyone know if McAfee has any plans to fix this?  I would prefer to keep Privacy Services if it would work properly.

Thanks for the help,


16 Posts

October 15th, 2005 00:00

I emailed McAfee to inform them of the issue but have not heard back from them.

1 Message

October 16th, 2005 13:00

Thanks to all posting about this problem, I was dealing with it for a while and decided to check here.I also removed the privacy service and the problem was solved.

Maybe if we all bug mcafee they will fix the problem as it  is a major glitch in the sofware.

11 Posts

October 17th, 2005 13:00

I have been wondering about something with this whole ordeal… Could it be possible that MCE is trying to send something that Privacy Service SHOULD block?  There is no reason that the recorder and player should not function even if you are not on the internet.  I can understand the guide not updating if you are not on the internet, but what is Privacy Service blocking that does not allow it?  Kind of makes you wonder… :-/



1 Message

October 22nd, 2005 15:00

this is ridiculous, i've purchased a computer preloaded with software that is incompatible, what a deal.  why didn't dell just include some 5 inch floppy disks to complete this farce?  thanks for the info(uninstall mcaffee privacy), which i will use as a work around. but either mcafee or dell needs to come out with a real fix for this situation and some notification would be nice as well.

55 Posts

October 25th, 2005 15:00



Message Edited by Rapor on 10-25-2005 02:11 PM

1 Message

October 30th, 2005 17:00

It would be nice to have an administrator respond to the question regarding McAfee's Privacy Center not working with Windows Media Center. 
Will this problem be resolved?
Or will there continue to be a gap in McAfee's security and thus either leaving us, the consumer, wondering if our system will become compromised or deciding to dump McAfee for some other potentially better/worse security system.
Luckily I found this thread and adjusted the download status to notify me before updating as well as removing the Privacy Center program all together from my system (XPS 400) which I have only had for a few days before a Privacy Center update apparently kept me from getting live feed or program guide.
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