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April 14th, 2008 10:00

2408WFP RevA00 Issues

Hello All,


Well, just a post to confirm what many of you have already observed with their 2408WFP (RevA00), to share some thoughts, and to ask Chris what I should do.


I just bought a 2408WFP.


The two first things I noticed were the very high brightness and the dull colours.

Ok... So did some quick searches on the Web about the 2408, found a lot about the bad initial color calibration, then changed the display settings trying to calibrate it with my poor eyes (use Custom RGB)... Well not easy, eventually I achieved a very correct result (at least for my eyes): colours are now good enough, white is more homogenous, and the screen has a gentle (no too aggressive) brightness.


Passing by these forums and reviews, I also read a lot horror stories about pink tint, input lag, banding...


Well, I'm not a gamer and the input lag is not a problem for me.


After reading and testing a lot I came to the conclusion that "pinkish"/"banding"/"brightness of the sides" issues exist on nearly all 2408 to some degrees but that their appreciation is really a matter of multiple factors:

- color/brighntness/contrast settings (calibration)

- user sensibility

- LCD panel

- ambient lightning conditions


I do think the overall subjective judgement about the 2408 is greatly dependent on the ambient lightning conditions.

Generous corporate office lightning reduces the issues, while using this monitor in low light conditions or thorough testing make the problems apparent.


But the biggest problem for me in my work is the sharpness of text in office use (Word, Excel, Outlook, Web).

I've already tried a lot of settings and I managed to reduce this effect, but never mind: there is always like red or green colours around the edge of the fonts and cursors.

And, eventually, after some times, reading/writing text is a pain for the eyes.


I used a 2407WFP (non-HC), and it was not affected by all these issues.

So, in the end I'm dissapointed by this monitor.

It's usable but not comfortably. For me the 2407 was ways better...


Hopefully Dell will fix a lot of these issues in a future revision, but for now it's obviously useless to get an exchange because it will be affected by the same issues.

I do not want to ask for a refund because I like the warranty and service that Dell offer for a reasonable price. I feel the 2408 should be a great monitor (as the 2407) with some enginnering adjustements.


So Chris, can I keep my 2408 for now and ask for an exchange when a future revision will be out ?


Thank you very much for your answer. 


Community Manager


54.9K Posts

April 14th, 2008 11:00


While under warranty, you may initiate an exchange at anytime once the technician has troubleshot with you.

144 Posts

April 14th, 2008 12:00

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your answer.

That's the reason why I like to stick with Dell: great service.

Actually it's my second 2408. The first one had a white bright pixel near the center of the screen.

Dell did the exchange quickly.

Best Regards

6 Posts

April 14th, 2008 18:00

Thats good to know.


Also whats good to know is when these probems will be fixed and when A01 revision will be out?

37 Posts

April 14th, 2008 21:00

You can hold and wait but you might have to understand that you may not get a brand new replacement.


If I am not mistaken, after 21 days, any exchange you make will be a refurbished unit and not a new one.  So if oyu waited several months until a revision was out and asked for an exchange, you'd likely get a refurbished monitor, regardless of revision number.

17 Posts

April 14th, 2008 22:00

While a new A01 would be nice, as long as the refurb doesn't have other issues, I'd be happy with it.


DELL-ChrisM, when is Rev. A01 coming out?  And do you know if it will fix the red shadows and sharpness adjustment problems?




Community Manager


54.9K Posts

April 15th, 2008 03:00


If they tell me, I will let you know.

144 Posts

April 15th, 2008 06:00

Thank you for your help Chris.

Please do not forget to inform us ;-)

We greatly appreciate.

Best regards

93 Posts

April 15th, 2008 14:00

A user on has reported that he received a RevA01 of 2408WFP and that he would report his findings. I'm waiting for him to post.

144 Posts

April 15th, 2008 20:00

Very interesting.

Could you post the findings here.

Thanx you very much KoBo.

93 Posts

April 17th, 2008 18:00

Ack... The guy I mentioned has not received a new revision of the 2408WFP. He actually received an E248WFP instead, one that is fizzing and spluttering (broken) when he turns it on. He says he did order a 2408WFP, but at this point it is becoming irrelevant to the issues at hand.

Still waiting on Dell for further information on the 2408WFP situation. I don't really have major issues with mine, but a slightly brighter left side under certain conditions makes me want a replacement when Dell has a new revision. Right now it's futile to engage in any exchange activity.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

April 18th, 2008 08:00

@martidi wrote:


After reading and testing a lot I came to the conclusion that "pinkish"/"banding"/"brightness of the sides" issues exist on nearly all 2408 to some degrees...  


I also got a 2408 screen, and I also got a bright area on the left side of the monitor (or should I call it "backlight bleeding" ?). It seems there are many complaints on the Internet about this very issue of the 2408 monitor. But it is early to jump to the conclusion that all of the 2408 monitors have this problem. You see, only those people who have problems write about them on the discussion forums. Those who are happy keep quiet, and there might be a majority of them.


Anyway, my monitor had an area of enhanced brightness along its left side, but if the need be I could live with that. Nothing drastic, . I called to Dell service to ask them if this level of "backlight bleeding" was normal. They straight away jumped to suggest to send me a replacement. At that time, I thought I should have a better deal for the money than what I got, so that I agreed to go with their suggestion. The new monitor is supposed to be in the mail.


I posted the question (whether this level of backlight bleeding was normal) to the forum hoping I'd get a comment from a Dell rep (Chris or others), but I got nothing in reply. Oh well. I will spend the nights worrying if I have done the right thing agreeing to receive replacement and whether the new monitor will be better and what should I do if the new monitor is worse... I do not want to go through many iterations, and I want to know where to stop in search for a "perfect" monitor...


144 Posts

April 18th, 2008 09:00

Hi Valerian,


I already know you from reading other 2408 forums :smileywink:



I totally understand you... The quest for a "Perfect Monitor" is/was also mine... ;)

But it does not really exist unfortunately... We've to find something we're happy with... 

I hope you'll be happy with your next 2408...

I'd say the thing you should'nt accept is dead pixel(s).

2408 come with a 0 dead pixel warranty wich is great...


I do really think it's commom for LCD monitors to have a side brighter than the other one.

Backlight bleeding is also common (while this could be seen as a defect).

But these problems are present at various degrees... 


A lot of users do not post about these because they are not annoyed by them. Or they're simply not forums users.


My 2408 has a left side slighlty brighter than the right side, but I totally forget it in day-to-day use.


Anyway, I read a lot french forums and came to the conclusion that for office use a Wide Gamut panel is not adapted. It's the Wide gamut feature that cause the colours to be oversaturated and the green and red halos around the fonts... There is nothing to do about it on the 2408RevA00.


So, finally I switched to sRGB...

Colours are washed out, but the fonts are crystal-clear (sharpness 50) and the display is sweet.


If I want to do photorealistic works, I've to use Custom RGB with a good profile, but then I've to deal with the halos...

This could probably be improved by reducing the sharpness. But 25 is to low and make the whole things fuzzy).


If you read french this is a very interesting post:


Best Regards





5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

April 19th, 2008 10:00

@martidi wrote:


I totally understand you... The quest for a "Perfect Monitor" is/was also mine... ;)


I realise I should not normally expect to get a perfect monitor from a cut-price seller; this was why I put the word 'perfect' into the quotation marks in my original message earlier. I use the monitor for gaming (first-person shooters) and to browse the web; for these purposes, I see no imperfections with the screen. E.g., I do not notice the notorious input lag, no red tinting or problem with sharpness. I read the translation of the French website discussion, but they are talking mostly about color gamut and calibration which I do not find relevant to my needs. 


Anyway, I will receive a new monitor, and thus I will be able to find what is the 'baseline' of defects; in other words, what kind of imperfections I should normally expect. After that hopefully I will be able to pick up the best of the two monitors, and finish my quest for the best (perfect) monitor from Dell.

1 Message

April 22nd, 2008 11:00

I received my 2408 (Rev A00) a week or so ago and was at first very impressed. I don't have any color distortions anywhere, but when I saw the red halos around some fonts, I was very disappointed. I could not do anything about the mostly red, but also green halos around the fonts. Some fonts are more prone to have these halos. They are especially visible on a grey background, and in dialog boxes where small fonts are used, eg. Photoshop and InDesign. I tried everything, from using sRGB (really a no-win option, as the colors become very washed out), to custom RGB, and also moving brightness to 0 and contrast down to the bear minimum, and nothing helped.


I am running on Vista Ultimate and it was obvious to me the font issue was related to Cleartype technology. So I downloaded and installed the Microsoft Cleartype powertoy.


Even though, when trying to install this on Vista, it says the program is not entirely compatible with Vista, I continued the install anyway. I was desperate to get rid of this problem.  


So, after running the cleartype tuner, and selecting the best looking option on the screen, I have now completely eliminated the red halo issues on my 2408. I thought this information might help.

6 Posts

April 22nd, 2008 15:00

After spending £423 on the 2408 I decided it just was not worth the money due to several issues. I returned it and bought a Samsung 2253BW 22"which is awesome for gaming. Absolutely no lag and colours are pretty spot on!


Am glad I did it. Dell seriously needs to sort the issues out on this monitor. It is sub-par. I would not advise anyone to buy the A00 revision.

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