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July 11th, 2009 17:00

Can't get drivers to download

I select the driver, I tell it to download now, the system downloads "delldriverdownloadmanager.application", I click on that and it starts and then tells me that "there are no files to download". I'm sure that I am doing something wrong but can't figure out what it is. Has anyone got a hint? Where do I go for support of this function.

Thanks for any guidance.

12 Posts

December 12th, 2009 22:00

Dhaka, it is totally excessive and possibly destructive to tell people to reinstall their OS and drivers just to get rid of a nuisance like the Dell Download Manager.

You are correct about the 2 options.  But for removing a program and its cookie you do not need to reinstall the OS.  Please give less apocalyptic advice.


1.8K Posts

March 8th, 2010 11:00

Those of you having issues with the Download Manager may want to read this wiki article:   How to by-pass the Dell Download Manager


Attention:  This post has been locked due to age. 

If you have a similar question, please create a new post.  Thank You.

July 11th, 2009 17:00


Give this a whirl.

Navigate to the downloads list and instead of clicking Download Now, click the name of the file, On the next screen use that download button, it pulls from a different link, I tested it in Firefox and Chrome both times gave me the option to use the download Manager or the Browser, I selected the browser and then chose to save the file.   I wish yah luck, I've noticed the downloads page has issues intermittenly



9 Posts

August 1st, 2009 04:00

I've had the same problem, but FIXED it - eventually!! !:emotion-1:

In my case it was all about having the current version of the MS .NET Framework software.
it was not a quick solution either, since I first had to check what I did have via "add/remove programs" then compare with the release sequence from MS.
In some cases, eg 3.5 it included upgrades to versions 2 or 3, but then there were other patches to be added too, after running the upgrade!

SO I removed upgrades from my PC that were 'out of sequence'  using add/remove software, then ran the MS upgrades in sequence, n it WORKED - Yessss!
Worked very well once I had resolved this.
BTW, I'm using Firefox (tho' NOT for thr MS updates, have to use IE for that!!) so there was a further FF patch too.

So you need to carefully compare .NET release on your PC with the order MS have them, READ the notes carefully, - I know they are boring (clearly written by an insomniac trying to send himself to sleep!) but it resolved hours of trying to run the downloads, n wondering why, oh why won't this run .... gggrrrr

One other thing, I found the other suggested fix replied to on this thread didn't work, which then made me look elsewhere.

Hope this helps someone :-D


9 Posts

August 1st, 2009 04:00

:emotion-12: - oops  - posted twice

September 8th, 2009 11:00

Having same problem.  Could not get drivers for laptop.  Walked customer through buying a new HP laptop.  Threw the Dell in the trash.  Congratulations Dell, you have lost another customer.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

September 22nd, 2009 19:00

The download manager isn't one of Dell's better ideas.  Clear the browser cache, go back in and  choose "download using my browser" and you won't need it.

As for those who recommend HP to their customers - well, do a bit of research.  That advice will cost YOU money and customers in the long run.  If you think Dell is bad - you haven't dealt with HP.  They're easily the hands-down worst in the industry at service and support.


47 Posts

September 22nd, 2009 21:00

This has just made my 180 dollar bluetooth headphones useless! I'm so sick of Dell doing this to customers. What is so wrong with downloading the drivers for my laptop? Download manager is useless. Thanks Dell hell!

1 Message

October 25th, 2009 09:00

Having all the same problems, finally got the Download Manager to 'work';.  Once it did, I selected the package, and it states the package is empty?  Next I used the browser download.  It fails acts like it will download and just cycles with zero progresss, like there is no file to download.

The must frustrating part is that you can't see to tell Dell there system is broke without them charging you.... 

1 Message

October 25th, 2009 18:00

Thank you for your suggestion. For the people who do not know how to compare the release sequences from MS. Would it be ok just to remove them all and download them back again from MS? I haven't tried it out yet. Just want to make sure that it is ok to do so. Also, is your solution better than clearing the Browser Cache method?  Dell Driver Download manager never worked for me and I never remember to search a solution until now.  I had to agree with some disappointed users that Dell did not respond with a better solution to its users and that would loose them customers.  I will not want to buy another dell again unless I know they plan to change.  Thank you very much.

20 Posts

October 31st, 2009 02:00

if getting problem with Dell Download Manager then enter into Dell Website n there u can find Software Download option then use ur Service Tag or Model of ur laptop or desktop, there u can find all the drivers n application for Windows XP or Vista.

another matter where is ur Dell Drivers Installation disk which was given while u buy ur laptop or desktop??

hope the problem will be solved. thanks

1 Message

November 11th, 2009 13:00

Had the same problem in Firefox 3.5.5 just today (11/11/09). Found this thread, couldn't get Asarius' suggestion to work for me, but I opened IE, carefully chose the "browser" download option on the pop-up window, and had no problem getting the file.

However, every time I tried to download any driver in FF, it wanted to run/install the Dell Download Manager. There is a page that tells you that you can uninstall the DDM: the Dell Download Manager FAQs ( which showed up for me in the Download Quick Links on the right-hand side of the individual driver page. So, I uninstalled DDM with Windows XP add/delete programs and rebooted just to be safe. No joy. Still it wants to use the DDM.

:emotion-12:Warning: the following 3 paragraphs are, admittedly, a rant because I am SO torqued at Dell support right this minute. If you want answers, skip to the bottom.

So I contacted on-line chat and waited between 20 & 30 minutes for a response. When I finally got a response, I summarized the problem succinctly. He didn't know what it was and wanted access to my machine. I asked why and didn't it seem likely that the problem was a cookie or some other stub program that I could delete. I asked similar questions several times, and finally gave up and let him see the PC. I've done this before and had no problem. He poked around, did exactly the same stuff that I'd done and told him about in my initial summary, finally convinced himself that I was telling the story correctly and said that he needed me to contact a paid support line. I pointed out that my system is still in warranty. He said the problem involved Firefox. We went to IE and, lo!, in IE, I also no longer have a choice whether to use the DDM or the browser; it defaults to the browser, just like when I chose that option to download my driver.

Sounds like cookies, yes? While I was waiting for him to find these "experts" and hook my session up to them, I opened up the Firefox and IE cookies looking for similarities. There were several FF cookies with an expiration date several years out from today, so I figured they would be suspects. In IE, I found one file "" that was listed as type "text document" so I opened it. (There was a warning, but I opened it anyway.) Toward the top of the file, I found "StormPCookie" which was the name of one of the cookies in Firefox. Toward the bottom I found "downloadoption=directdownload" which is exactly the option I chose for downloading in IE. Just about that point the "techie" came back.

After nearly an hour on-line with this "techie" he opened Firefox options and deleted ALL my cookies. I was LIVID. Now, I know there are folks who clean out their cookies regularly, but I'm just a Grammy who mostly visits Amazon and knitting and embroidery sites, and I'd just as soon leave the cookies for the sites I regularly visit right there in place so that I don't lose my saved shopping carts, wish lists, etc. What I do or don't do with temporary files on my computer is MY business, not someone else's. And I really don't want to hear apologies or excuses about how the files are temporary and deleting them didn't damage my system. As soon as I figure out how to find someone at Dell who gives a rat's patoot, I'm going to report this bozo.

Rant over.

:emotion-2:What I found:

  1. Now that all the Dell cookies are gone from Firefox, I am again presented with the option to use the DDM or my browser to download.  If you are interested in trying to delete only the cookie that causes this particular issue, I recommend starting with "StormPCookie." I couldn't test that because some ham-fisted idiot wiped out everything.
  2. After I deleted the "" from the IE cookies, I am again presented with the option to use the DDM or my browser in IE.
  3. I will never again choose to use the Dell Download Manager.
  4. I will never again let Dell tech support take over my machine if he can't first tell me clearly and specifically what he intends to do.

3 Posts

December 3rd, 2009 00:00

The download manager just doesn't work!!!

12 Posts

December 9th, 2009 23:00

I confirm the same thing worked for me.  With IE8, delete the cookies (which for me seems not to cause much inconvenience) and then go to the Dell site again.  Now when you try to download it will ask you if you want to download directly, or to use the download manager.

This time, avoid the Dell Download Manager.  Click the other option, download using the browser, and it runs just fine.

Sarah451, thanks for the writeup.  I could find some cookie editors but none that worked in 64-bit Windows, and so I just used IE's tools/options dialog and removed all cookies.  The effect has been minor: it seems many sites still remember me at least to some level and I have not lost anything I seem to need.

20 Posts

December 11th, 2009 06:00

what is your Dell PC or Notebook Model no? n wht ur system configuration plz. as u r n't easy going abt computer matter, u better install ur OS and then Dell Drivers. then frm internet u can update ur Internet Explorer to 8 n download n install "DAP(Download Accelarater Plus ) . i recomand u to use Internet Explorer for the entire operation. now go to the Dell website n then software download page there u can use ur system Tag / Model no for ur software ( . after u use ur Systme Tag no then u can see the sofware n drivers of ur system.

now when ur going to download n click then there will shown 2 option 1. Download through Dell deriver download manager 2. download through ur internet Explorer

You will chose 2nd n then u can see ur driver will download by DAP thoruh Internet Explorer.


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