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This post is more than 5 years old


October 28th, 2009 09:00

NEW.. Any and all concerns about the new XPS 435/8000/9000

Please feel free to post any concerns, problems, delivery delays etc.

452 Posts

November 6th, 2009 08:00

Here is this years reliabiltiy chart from PC World.  Not so good for HP.  If only Apple weren't so proprietary.  

Sigh.. Apple usually does well.. :emotion-15:

28 Posts

November 6th, 2009 18:00

Do u have the link?

3 Posts

November 6th, 2009 18:00

Update here!

Ordered 2 XPS 9000 systems on 10/20/09 with estimated delivery date of 11/16/09.  Status updated this afternoon that both of them have shipped and a new delivery date of 11/12/09!  Finally some movement on them!



1 Message

November 7th, 2009 04:00

I'm happy to hear the movement for you guys with your 9000's. No such luck however on my 8000. I ordered on 10/21, I've had my EDT pushed from 11/5 - 11/12 - 11/19. I am really frustrated and hope to, at some point, get to speak to a real person without a script, and find out when I can realistically expect delivery of my computer. Hey Dell, way to take away any and all happiness regarding a $2500 purchase that should be really exciting. I'll think twice before recommending this path to anyone I know or work with. 

11 Posts

November 7th, 2009 07:00

Same here.  I ordered an XPS 8000 for delivery 11/12 - a week before leaving the country - and find they slipped it without any notice.  Info not posted until after the telephones are closed down (I'm sure it's coincidental) and the sappy recordings don't provide any info.  I've been buying Dell systems since 2000 and this, I swear, is the last.  Very sad. The hardware is excellent but jeez, the service....

23 Posts

November 7th, 2009 11:00

Well I am another of the unhappy DELL customers. I ordered my XPS 9000 on 10/18/2009 and got an estimated ship date of 11/09/2009. Yesterday DELL upgraded my estimated ship date to 11/16/2009. That will be two days short of a full month.

I have always built my own computers for years and decided this time that I would treat my self with an OEM computer. Have always had a high opinion of DELL, so much so that I wanted my mother and my daughter who both reside in different states to have a new computer for christmas last year  so I just went online and had them shipped to their home addresses. Those computers took 7-10 days and they were delivered to their doors.

I am a software developer and a Microsoft partner so computer hardware is not a problem. I guess this has taught me, if I don't build it myself or buy from the store down the street don't order it online. And my opinion of DELL has certainly changed.  I could have ordered all the parts ( same or better quality ) and built myself a computer of the same or better performance level for less money. Oh well, I guess I need to be taught a lesson every so often.  :emotion-12:

Steve Graddy
Orgbrat Consulting

1 Rookie


445 Posts

November 7th, 2009 15:00

It appears that Dell is not the only computer company  having  delays on delevery. My neighbor wanted a computer for his son-in-law and after reading about the Dell problems decided to order a HP E9280T. His delivery date has been pushed back twice so far. He talked to their sales department and was told the Intel  i7  and  i5 processors are in short supply right now and that is the holdup. At least HP gave him an answer, true or otherwise. When I had my go arounds with Dell for almost a month, I never did get a reason for the holdup.


91 Posts

November 8th, 2009 12:00

I placed an order for a fairly basic XPS 8000 a week or so ago and the estimated delivery date is 11/19.  Do folks think that is really when it's going to ship based on when they ordered their XPS 8000, or have they typically been shipping faster than that?  It's hard to follow given this thread is getting long.

452 Posts

November 9th, 2009 10:00

I placed an order for a fairly basic XPS 8000 a week or so ago and the estimated delivery date is 11/19.  Do folks think that is really when it's going to ship based on when they ordered their XPS 8000, or have they typically been shipping faster than that?  It's hard to follow given this thread is getting long.

Most units , I would say the majority, have shipped well beyond the estimated ship date (ESD). :emotion-39: 

Only a handful have received theirs earlier than the ESD.

This basically sums up the thread..

3 Posts

November 10th, 2009 03:00

Very dissapointed with Dell---I have in the past ordered Dell for myself family and friends and never had a problem but now I have one. I ordered a new xps 9000 on 10/23/09 and was told that the build date and ship date would take between 3 to 5 days build 3 to 5 days ship so if you take highest date it would be a total of 10 days. well on one order page it has receive date at 1/1/0001 on another page it says ship date n/a on another one it says 11/19 receive date. I have called and I have emailed I have never got a response from emails yet and if you call you end up somewhere out ot the country and can't understand a word they say. I did call team because on order they forgot to put in microsoft works with word and I was told I would have to cancel the order and reorder and that was on 10/24 so I said no because it was going to take 10 days and if I reorder it was going to be another 2 or 3 days more. Why don't Dell have reps in the States that you can talk to and get something done. They have people to take your order but after that you are on your own. I started getting another computer name some of my orders and I should of stuck with them but I wanted to get back with Dell but now I have second thoughts.


11 Posts

November 10th, 2009 08:00

Late word (10:46 eastern):  Customer service has assured me that the November 19 Est Deliv Date is the *very* latest date that the system will arrive!  There are no outstanding production issues, and all the components needed for the XPS 8000 are in hand.  I thought you would all be happy to know this....

3 Posts

November 10th, 2009 16:00

Guess I should have found this site sooner. I did call Dell again today and I got ahold of one of those that you can't understand I finally had to hangup because you can't state your case if they don't understand  and they don't speak for you to understand. I did get a phone call at 3:18 pm est from a Dell rep and was told that everything is finally in place  and they will get all orders out before the estimated delivery date. I just don't understand why they give you a date before they take your order and after it is ordered come back with a different date and no explamation of why. My date now is the 19 and was told will probaly be before that it is the 10th now so anywhere from 11 to 19 I should have mine and I figure they won't ship it till the 16th. Please Dell get back to the old days when you can call and get help and not half way around the world to someone that handles everything from scrample eggs to being a rocket scientist.

8 Posts

November 11th, 2009 08:00

Well, I'm on the phone most likely canceling my order. They updated my delivery date again without notifying me to 11/23 which is a full month. This kind of service is just intolerable. I wouldn't be nearly so upset if they had merely told me the truth. I really can't believe the lack of communication and the AWFUL service. I even had to click the stupid link saying it was OK if they shipped it on the 10th (Yesterday) after the first update.


I just got off the phone, I'm sorry Dell. You guys are awful. "We can't give you a definite delivery date, only an estimate. You'll receive an e-mail when it ships." WELL THANK YOU, that really just sets me at ease. It would be nice to get ONE post from a Dell rep saying "Sorry guys, we ran out of xxxxxx part but we'll have it for sure in xx days." What the heck has happened to this company. Pathetic.

12 Posts

November 11th, 2009 11:00


it is an Sapphire Ati Radeon HD 5770 1GB , and  6 x 1GB  OCZ Extreme XMP tri channel ram. The ram is designed for overclocking (two profiles 1.5v/ 1006 mhz, and 1.6v/ 1600 MHz, dell's MB bio's is locked, i believe the max is 1333mhz..

12 Posts

November 11th, 2009 11:00

A few pictures of my 9000....

I love this machine, I'm very happy with it. I ordered on 10-10-09 and it shipped 10-29-09 and i recieved it 11-2-09.

Windows 7 Pro with Samsung T240hd

Installed OCZ Extreme I7 XMP  1066mhz / 1600mhz Ram(i didnt realize the bios was locked until after i ordered.) Sapphire Ati Radeon HD 5770 1GB Video Card


I am going change the Motherboard to MSI Eclipse LGA 1366 X58 and Thermaltake SpinQ VT.








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