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This post is more than 5 years old


December 14th, 2009 18:00

Amazing warranty service!!!!!!

I am from the UK and currently living in Canada.....I have a vostro 1400, which I purchased in England and has been all over the world with me with not a single fault , and in some challenging conditions for any computer. When I bought the laptop I also bought the three year "next buisness day" warranty.

 However just the other day the Nvidia 8400m gs installed had a complete meltdown and now is completely unuseable. It shows all the classic signs of a failing gpu. So I got on the phone to DELL and prepared for a long drawn out battle for where i had to send it to, who was paying for shipping to the UK.

 I had phoned the international warranty centre in Canada. Now I had been told that the UK warranty meant I would have to send it back to the UK to be repaired as I had not purchased international cover.......but to my great relief it is covered here in Canada, the lady on the phone was polite and to the point and quickly arranged a service request. 

One thing she said is that because the warranty is from the UK she couldnt uphold the "next buisness day" part of the warranty, which is fine by me, and she said she wasnt sure when someone could get round to my case, but that someone would call to book an appointment.  Low and behold they phoned an hour ago to book the appointment and I only phoned this morning, they are coming tommorrow with the neccesary parts.

I have heard people telling of terrible service, but in my case it is quite the opposite, and I am glad I spent the extra on the warranty. People will only usually make an effort to write about bad experiences so I thought I would share how great the customer service has been for me!!!!


Thankyou DELL

36 Posts

December 15th, 2009 15:00

Yeah they will come out next day but they wont repair the problem and then you will be waiting forever for them to come back.  They came out next day to fix a video problem in my Alienware M17x, the repair did not fix the problem and i have now been waiting ever since for them to come back out.  Its been a week now and repeated calls to Dell is getting me nowhere.

2.2K Posts

December 15th, 2009 15:00

I love seeing these positive posts because it helps balance some of the of the negativity in these forums.

Nice that Dell came through for you. It sounds like they went above and beyond what you were expecting. Awesome.

8 Posts

December 15th, 2009 17:00

I understand that some people don't get the service standards they should, but this is true in most large business and its unfortunate. However the guy came round today, and brought with him almost an entire computer in parts, and the problem is completely fixed. He even went to the trouble of fixing the screen.....the hinge was starting to become loose, to be honest Id hardly noticed but he fixed it anyway he was in and out within an hour.

I hope your problem is resolved soon. I firmly believe that DELL make the best mass market pc's (non-custom)and I hope they continue to do so.



11 Posts

December 16th, 2009 01:00

I responded to this last night, pointing out how terrible my experience with dell support has been - and they have pulled my posting! 

11 Posts

December 16th, 2009 01:00

Farpetrad is right! Dell customer support is the worst I have ever experienced. If you are reading this and considering buying Dell DON'T DON'T DON'T. They (Dell support) are useless.

  • They don't listen.
  • They pass the buck and leaving you hanging on the phone for hours.
  • They are techniccally incompetent. (some confuse Wifi and mobile broadband!)
  • They couldn't care less about providing service - but care a lot about selling extended warranties and insurance.

So go elsewhere and buy Sony, Acer... anything but Dell . I wish I had never bought this wretched thing - not because it isn't a nice machine - but the service to put right a major component is just terrible. If you bought a car and the gearbox failed on delivery - would you expect the problem to take 2 months to fix? I bought a Studio XPS 1340 a couple of months ago and advised DELL the day after it arrived that the optical drive (DVD) was very noisy. Have a look on Youtube or Dell forums and you will see this is a common problem. Well the drive still hasn't been replaced. The closest I got was when they sent out a mechanic with a replacement drive that turned out to be the wrong model. I say mechanic because this guy certainly wasn't the sort of chap you would allow to work on a £1000 + piece of kit. His antistatic mat was covered in solder burns and paint stains. He didn't bother using an anti static wrist strap. He clearly had never taken a studio xps apart before and struggled to find all the screws and tried on a couple of occasions to remove the keyboard before all screws had been removed. He didn't make any effort tto ensure a screw was returned to the same hole from which it was removed. He certainly wouldn't work for me! Eventually he tried to shoehorn in a replacement drive that was too thick - he even tried to refit the keyboard even though it was clearly bowed.

Name and shame!!! Here is a list of the people at Dell who have beeen no help whatsoever: This is where (in my orginal messssage) I listed all the pen pushers from Dell who have been no use whatsoever, and have wasted hours of my time.  I think this is why the moderators of this forum pulled my original message. I bet each of them will deny any responsibility - but non of them has solved my problem and I think they must share the responsibility for this failure. I guess didn't want their names here because it would make their 'employee of the month' awards look a bit jaded.

4 Posts

December 16th, 2009 03:00

I Could Not AGREE With you more... I just received a brand new XPS 1640 from Dell and right out of the box there were problems and tech support spent 2 hours and 45 minutes on the screen sharing and could not figure it out.  Then he tells me I should spend $239. for a year of tech support.  When I called back to get a credit return number (CRA) I get disconnected or sent through a maze of automated menu's and here I am two days later without a working laptop for my daughter for Christmas and without a CRA number to return it.  Dell should not wonder why its share price keeps falling and their loyal customers are fleeing to HP and Sony.

I own 12 Dell machines/company; 5 dells personally and will never buy or recommend Dell to anyone.

8 Posts

December 16th, 2009 06:00



In Response to pannunz..........As I said everyone has different experiences and sometimes not good ones!!!!!  Your saying you would not recommend Dell to anyone, yet  you own 5 of them personally !!! I assume the majority of them must have been good, otherwise you would only own one!! Our family also owns 5 or 6 Dells and everyone of them works faultlessly since purchase. As I said it is unfortunate that there are service problems but I was simply saying that I had a good dealing with them. I thought there might be people out there who would appreciate hearing a good story for once.


11 Posts

December 16th, 2009 07:00

Dell machines are robust and well designed and I think they are goodno-frills work-horses.

I don't think pannunz is complaining about the hardware - it's Dell's quality of aftersales that s/he has an issue with.

8 Posts

December 16th, 2009 11:00

Tractorbouy......Its ok I understand where s/he is coming from. Just out of interest are you dealing with Dell UK ????? when I made the first post I should of made it specific to Dell Canada as they are the ones who upheld the warranty service, I haven't really had any experience with service in the UK, I bought the pc there but have been out of country ever since. As I first said I was expecting to have to battle with them.....but I was so impressed with how they handled it. Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone by the sounds of it.

 Whats strange is that people seem to have the most difficulty with the high end units, mine is just the base model vostro probably the cheapest one

11 Posts

January 3rd, 2010 18:00

I recently had to replace a power supply in an xps400.  I poked around the web site, found what i thought was the right one, then went to 'chat' to make sure.  the person gave me the part number/description to order-which I did.  2 days later it was here(sooner than expected) only to find out that their replacement is of smaller size so i now have a gap in the back and when i tried to hook up the dual HDD connectors(came w/2 drives) that the connectors were too close and would not reach the drives when installed in their holders.  I ended up having to re locate one drive closer(read nylon tie it to the case)

It does work but I would have expected an exact replacement of what I had in there.  I probably could have done better grabbing one at the local best buy, but i wanted an original equiptment replacement, not a hack job.  If you are going to farm out parts you should at least give the correct specs and make sure the supplier follows them.  My latest laptop is an HP and i think my next desktop will be also.  Have 2 dell desktops in the house and I seriously doubt they will be replaced with dells when the time comes.

4 Posts

January 4th, 2010 10:00

I guess Dell's outsourcing of tech support to the lowest overseas bidder has eventually caught up with them.  Not only has confidence in their product dropped but in Customer satisfaction.

I was always a big supporter of Dell products because of what no-frills work horses they were.  Unfortunately, Dell believes that the only way they will service their defective products is to pay through the nose for North American tech support.  10 years ago if you had a problem Dell was there to fix it.  Today you are given a two or three or four year warranty and Dell does nothing to honor it.

Dell will eventually put themselves in a position where they will be swallowed up by HP or Sony in a hostile takeover... Hell if the share price drops any lower I'll be able to afford acquiring a majority stake.

8 Posts

January 4th, 2010 14:00

I am reposting this for a third time as it was deleted , it appears that the use of inoffensive words or words with unusual symbols used to describe poor service are not allowed on this strange!!!!!!!hahahaha

Ok....after initially being very pleased with the service, and wanting to believe that Dell had really done there best for me, I am now changing my mind. Im still pleased with the quick response, but I have just noticed some problems. The major one being that the webcam/microphone no longer works....I immediately knew what was wrong.He had checked the LCD and given me a new front cover which I thought was a good thing. After a bit of poking around, I discovered that he had actually cut through the thin plastic cable.....Im sure this was just laziness so he wouldn't have so much work to do!! Its ennoying because there are only two screws holding it in and it would have only taken two seconds to switch it properly.

The reason I called them was a burnt out GPU, It was replaced but still the graphics are terrible. Any shading appears as large block lines or large pixel blocks Then I also noticed that the wireless switch no longer works....its a good thing it was on at the time because I wouldn't be able to use it. And when I think back to that day, the guy had no electrostatic devices at all, no wrist strap or mat, In fact I think he only had two small screwdrivers.

It is still under warranty, and I will have them out again and again until it is right.

I have just bought a new desktop and it is NOT a Dell

Being from a "Dell family", I wish they would have done the right thing.....Maybe it was just a poorly qualified engineer, who knows!!

In conclusion I withdraw my original statements lol

I wont begrudge anyone who wants to say  "Told you so"

Hopefully this message conforms to the user terms of this forum.....I guess Ill find out soon enough!!!!

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