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2 Intern


370 Posts


November 17th, 2010 13:00

How to Avoid Breaking the Streak LCD or Gorilla Glass and What to Do If You Have a Broken Streak

Hi Folks,

A lot of customers have been reaching out to my team with questions regarding their broken Streak, so I thought I would post this to help answer some specific questions.

Having the Right Expectations

Unfortunately, a lot of folks have the wrong expectation of how resilient the Streak is to damage. If you read the fine print regarding Gorilla Glass, it is advertised as being resistant to scratches. However, the Gorilla Glass does not protect the Streak from damage caused by applying unusual pressure or dropping the unit. As one of the forum users put it, the Gorilla Glass is not bullet-proof.

How to Avoid Breaking Streak LCD or Gorilla Glass

Most of the customers I've communicated with either dropped or sat on the Streak and damaged either the LCD and/or the Gorilla Glass. I highly recommend a carrying case. It's not a good idea to carry in your pocket either. Contrary to some marketing materials I've seen, although it is "pocket-size", I would not recommend carrying it in your pant pockets.  I have also seen Streaks broken when dropped anywhere from 2 to 4 feet onto carpeted flooring or vehicle floorboards. Although that is surprising, I've heard that if it is dropped so that the unit hits the ground at the exact spot where the glass meets the body of the unit, this can cause severe damage to either the LCD or the Gorilla Glass.  Bottom line, I don't recommend carrying the unit in your pant pockets, invest in a protective case and keep it in a secure place at all times to avoid damage. Remember that you want to treat the unit more like a mobile computing device (i.e. tablet, laptop, etc.) rather than a mobile phone.

Is LCD or Gorilla Glass Damage Covered Under the Standard Warranty?

Damage to Dell Streak LCD screens or Gorilla Glass is not covered under the Dell hardware warranty, as this is considered accidental damage. If you receive your Streak and it has damage out of the box, please report this immediately to the party that sold it to you to obtain a replacement. Currently, Dell does not offer accidental insurance coverage for the Streak (neither do some of the 3rd party resellers and service providers). It is something we are considering in the future. Further, we do not have a service or parts replacement solution for damaged LCDs or Gorilla Glass. The unit would have to be completely replaced at the customer's expense.

If you wish to further discuss your situation, please contact the Dell Mobile Devices at 1-800-308-3355 (US) or 0844 444 3244 (UK) and ask to speak to a supervisor.

UPDATE 5/30/11: Dell now offers Complete Care coverage for the Streak at point of sale.

My Personal Experience

I've had two test units for a few months and my 2 year old son has gotten a hold of each of them and dropped them more than once. So far, there are no scratches or other damage.  I still would not recommend allowing your two-year old access. ;) I typically keep them both on a flat surface (desk, dining table or night stand) or in the outside zippered fabric compartment of my purse. Neither one of them has a protective case. I typically put them in the provided fabric cover. My usage time is probably nowhere near the same as a customer who uses the Streak daily as their main phone device.

What If I Haven't Purchased a Streak Yet, Should I be Concerned?

The risk you take as a consumer is that if you break the LCD or Gorilla Glass, the only resolution at this time is total replacement at the customer's cost. We currently do not carry specific parts nor do we provide service that would fix damaged LCDs or Gorilla Glass. I would recommend factoring that into your purchase decision and take steps to ensure your Streak is well protected.

I hope that information helps to clear up any questions you may have. Otherwise, please feel free to reply to this post with additional questions.




January 26th, 2011 17:00

Hi Amy

I understand you probably do not respond to messages, but i have an issue with your above statement (in my case specifically).

I have cracked the Gorilla Glass on my phone (lcd is intact), this happened when it slid out of my pocket while seated in my car and slid under the seat.
I called Dell support Canada 31 days after my phone was purchased, i was given a ticket and was told that my glass WAS covered under warranty, this elated me simply because my carrier (rogers) was completely useless and told me tough luck. (they don't even sell cases for your streak).

That was in early December, i was told 3-5 business days to ship the replacement. I have called twice a week since that original 5 days was up and all the support will tell me is that my case is waiting for stock to ship to me. Meanwhile my phone getting worse. 

Who do i speak with to get this case finished with? I have a feeling that support is simply screwing me and they could just essentially drag this on till the warranty expires.

Thank you 

12 Posts

January 28th, 2011 02:00


Hey All,


I got a surprise when I emptied my pockets at the end of the day a few days ago and my LCD was cracked up, but the glass was in tact.  I am trying to get the "Out of Warranty" dept. to call me back now, so I can get some sort of response.  I read many folks who had no problem getting no-cost replacements on some Streak related forums and some postings on forums where people were left in the cold by Dell if their screens had the same damage as though who got no-cost replacements.

I am a huge fan of the device marketed as the Dell Streak (I'll explain this later), but this abandonment that Amy describes over refusal to repair or send out parts feels like a betrayal to tell the truth.  I hope that this is not my experience when or if someone finally calls when they said they would.  I've been stood up twice by the Out of Warranty" dept. now, but I've been told that if I wait 2 more days someone should get back to me by then.  I guess if it was my job to call customers back and tell them that they will be left in the cold by the support staff as Amy has described here I wouldn't be in any hurry to call customers back either. 

My Experience:

My first Streak had several shipping delays and the only thing more frustrating than the actual delays at the time were the number of aloof customer service staff giving me conflicting delivery dates.  That is until I got the device.  AT&T couldn't find a record of the cellular plan I purchase and had no idea what a Dell Streak was, literally.  Dell Order Support, had no idea why AT&T couldn't find my service plan information that I purchased on the Dell 800#.  After speaking to several different Dell Support staff each one providing me with a different reference number for the same incident I got the phone and the desktop sync software didn't work.  Updates to apps stopped working.  In-call volume controls worked in reverse.  Among several other issues.  They sent me out a replacement and that one continues to have periodic issues with the touch screen calibration has to be reset from time to time.  The "software updates stop downloading", issue requiring a reset to system defaults to fix continues to occur forcing me to have to reinstall everything.  By the time my second replacement started showing problems the Dell techs. told me that they no longer support the desktop sync support that comes on the phone.  They also warned me not to attempt the update that they posted on their support site.  But even when this device is working as designed, Dell never sold the same phone that they continue to market.  It may be a bit picky, but when you have a 5 inch display you expect things to be generally larger. The dialer application for example in the Streak commercial shows a large photo caller id, while the actual photo in the dailer app is quite litterally smaller than a postage stamp on a 5 inch screen. Simulated screen disclaimer peering out at the bottom of your TV like an inside joke that only we Streak owners get.  Also I was pleased to read that the streak pre-released would have HDMI output.  In my opinion this puts it in the company of other large and less expensive phones, but when I got it home I was disappointed to discover that I would have to shell out an additional $80 for HDMI functionality!  I took the leap in large part because of the promises of android 2.2 updates.  Promises that have been broken time after time especially for an AT&T locked phone.  A front facing camera would lead a reasonable person to believe that they would be able to do a skype sort of video chat, but tech support confirms that this device is not capable of this functionality. 

Going Forward:

I believe that Dell will embrace the quality in the roots of this company and make this right in my case.  I have been a fan of this Company and singing its praises to my own clients since the early 90's.  The Dell name really meant something then and I believe that they can be that company again.  It is not acceptable for customers to have no repair or parts option for this device.  And to add insult to injury we are forced to pay an additional $50 on checkout for a warranty.  A warranty? For what? As one poster said a phone marketed as a pocket phone that their liaison recommends that you don't use as marketed would imply that Dell lacks commitment to customers of this device.  After all, this forum is not for streak owners.  They don't have one specific to this unique device.  We've been thrown in with all other mobile devices.  And have to mine the entries for Streak related postings acting as our own filters.  I choose to believe that my experience with Dell will improve and that I will once again be able to recommend to my associates and clients the Dell that I once knew before I ever bought this device. I really hope that I can once again say that Dell really stands behind their products. I do appreciate the honesty in all of these postings though especially yours Amy. It couldn't be fun delivering such disappointing news to folks.

1 Message

January 30th, 2011 12:00

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I‘ve just suffered the same problem many hundreds of other Streak owners seem to have and now have a cracked lcd panel with no damage to the surface glass.  I am a quite annoyed at the ‘Having the Right Expectations’ section on the first post.  I don’t expect any mobile phone to be bullet-proof, however I also don’t expect any mobile phone to break when it slips out of your pocket whilst seated and hits the floor less than 2 ft below.  As an IT Project Manager at a very large firm, I have been through countless mobile phones from many companies and have dropped a few, and seen them roll down stairs, onto roads etc., none suffering anything more than a few surface scratches, and none have ever broken.  I fail to see how a design flaw so major that a phone breaks after 1 drop from such a low height isn’t covered and the customer is expected to pay for the repair themselves.  These aren’t isolated incidents from what I can find on the web.  I contacted Dell Customer Service yesterday to be told that I would be called back by the Out of Warranty team to quote for a repair.  Things like this make me seriously question whether I would buy Dell servers/laptops again in the future if I can't trust the company to do the right thing and I am currently about to make that choice for a new project.  If forced to, I will pay for the repair but I will them be selling my Streak on ebay and going back to HTC.  The last one of those I had started showing dust under the screen (‘a design flaw’), one call and 5 days later I had fully repaired phone at no cost, and a voucher for a free accessory.

174 Posts

February 8th, 2011 21:00

I just got my new cherry red unlocked Streak with 2.2.   It did not even get out of the box before I had it wrapped inside of an Otterbox Defender case.  Frankly if you use anything less than this, you are asking for trouble and a big repair or replacement bill.  

70 Posts

February 9th, 2011 03:00

The fact that you need protect your Streak with an Otterbox from the outset speaks volumes about the poor quality of the build`and its design.

Sadly the Otterbox is not going to guarantee it's safely

 My colleague used the defender case on his Streak  and.because of all the problems I had experienced with the ones trialed  a shock clock was fitted to his defender case which would indicate if the unit was dropped or subjected to stress. After a few weeks the shock indicator was still intact but the LCD had ruptured under the Gorilla Glass. Dell still insisted it was his fault and refused to issue a repair under warranty.

Until Dell address these design issues and totally redesign the Streak we are going to continue to read of these problems.

Do Dell care about these problems?  I think Not!

February 14th, 2011 09:00

I'm not too sure this is a Dell only problem.  It's just the state of technology.   Iphones, HTC, and practically all slate (candy bar) phones have screens that are easy to break.  They are so slim, and have glass screens; what else do you expect?  Just my $0.02.

2 Posts

February 14th, 2011 22:00

I only had my phone for 2 weeks when the LCD cracked over the weekend. I didn't drop it, sit  on it or stand on it or do anything that might otherwise explain why it cracked.. it was in my bag while at dinner, and the crack appeared the next morning. My phone provider here in Singapore was happy to replace it for a few hundred bucks because the damage is not covered by Dell's warranty. However, I felt that this was unfair given that I honestly did nothing to the phone to cause this damage.. if the phone can't handle jostling around in a woman's handbag, then Dell is in big trouble. My provider ended up waiving the replacement fee but now I'm worried that the same thing will happy to the new handset and I'll be stuck with a broken faulty phone. I've been reading numerous reports elsewhere on the Internet about the LCD screen cracking after either a minor fall or nothing at all. To me, this suggests that there is a design fault with the screens. If this is the case, then Dell should offer a limited warranty on the screens cracking but that they don't even provide for repair and parts is simply atrocious.

I actually love this phone and thought I could avoid becoming an iSheep. However, now I very disappointed. Where at first, I was telling my friends with great excitement about what a great phone it is to telling them to avoid it because of this design fault and the fact that Dell won't do anything about. For me, it has damaged my overall impression of the Dell brand and I may look at upgrading everything to Mac after all, as Apple doesn't seem to have this problem. In fact, I may sell the unit now and buy something else before it does break.

February 17th, 2011 04:00

Hello Amy

Could you please provide me with an email or postal address so that I might make a complaint directly to someone who will reply.  I have sent 23 emails, to various addresses on their site with not one reply!  The call centre keeps putting me through to the USA and after saying I can't have a refund they cut the call.  This has subsequently happened 4 more times - rudeness as well as no service!

Essentially, the design of the Streak is flawed and the LCD breaks of its own accord.  I did not 'accidentally' damage it, as was suggested by the scripted answer I received.  This particular fault has been written out of the warranty.  I want a full refund and an apology.  I have taken legal advice and I am now willing to pursue this through the courts if necessary.  I have also informed the program Watchdog and I have been in touch with my local trading standards office - they have received other such complaints.

Dell knowingly brought to market a flawed product unfit for purpose, this is contrary to UK consumer law.  Dell should stop selling this product until it is tested 'fit for purpose'.  Dell should also recall the product to have it fixed.

I'd be grateful if you could provide the correspondence details so that I might begin a dialogue.

Many thanks,


9 Legend


30.3K Posts

February 17th, 2011 08:00



Try hitting the unresolved issues button at the bottom of this thread.




34 Posts

February 17th, 2011 09:00

I'm on my second unit, the first was bought directly from Dell when they were £450, the second was £400.

The first one cracked, it was never dropped or abused in any way, since reading all these posts I think the product has issues. I sold the cracked unit on ebay but took a £260 hit due to the crack.

Now I might sell the second one before it breaks and buy something more robust, which is a shame because I really like it.

February 18th, 2011 14:00

Hello Rick

I tried that before.  I emailed technical support, sales and the one regarding the warranty.  I even chatted using the online facility.  All of absolutely no use. I got automated responses from my emails to show they'd been received, then nothing.  The chat was with someone in India who was useless.

I need to email someone more senior in the department - it is really ridiculous.  I will have to write to the HQ in Bracknell.  Which is very poor for an IT company!  I need to get this resolved quickly as my Streak is useless and I relied on it for work.

Do any of the senior managers read these posts, particularly those involved with customer service?

Anyway, thanks for your suggestion...


February 18th, 2011 14:00

If anyone is interested, I just found a  "universl 5 inch carrying case" from Garmin that fits their Nulink 1695, and  Nuvi 1400 series GPS units,

and closes with velcro inctead magnetic buttonst like the one picture by dumavi2 post at Wed, Nov 17 2010 8:03 PM:

it has number 010-11577-01 above the UPC bar code and number 7-53759-96848-9 below it

I found it at Best Buy in USA for $25, and It fits and protects the Dell Streak 5 really well, Hope this helps someone!

12 Posts

February 28th, 2011 12:00


I called several times and days apart and each time got a support staff that said there was nothing that they could do for me, I would have to wait for "Out of Warranty" to call me back.  That department never called.  Once I called and the lady said she would ask the Out of Warranty Department to call me back then she would personally call me back in a couple of days to make sure that the Out of Warranty people called me back, but no one ever called me.  Not her.  Not the Out of Warranty Staff.  As if it is not bad enough that I was relegated to the Out of Warranty Department right?...  Where is the Dell quality I used to know 20 years ago?


I forgot to mention that when I pulled my Streak from my pocket and discovered that my Streak's LCD was cracked, it was inside of the "Form Fit case with Hinge for Dell Streak" that I wasted $20 on.  I could warn that it doesn't provide much protection to the LCD, but you probably guessed that by now.  

I just feel sick and taken at this point.

33 Posts

March 1st, 2011 17:00

I feel for you all that have broken screens. I too can attest to the 'quality' of the Streak.

Form the first day I got my phone, I've worn my streak around my neck via a lanyard and holes drilled into the dell form fitting case. It normally sits in my shirt pocket but I didnt want to ever drop such an expensive piece of technology and this is what I came up with. Anyways on with my tale; on day I pulled my phone from my shirt pocket only to discover a crack. Luckily for me it was in the bezel right above the 'return/arrow' touch-button so my phone is still useful until this 2 year AT&T contract runs out.


I really like my Streak. I've no real bugs with mine. I love browsing the net with the 5" screen, heck I don't even need to put on my glasses with pinch to zoom. My gripes stem from the tiny texting font that you cant change and the tiny keyboard both of which I need to put on my glasses for. And I bought a 5" screen thinking "Now I won't need to put on my glasses"...

 I just updated to 2.2 and am liking the new keyboard but the homescreens sucks in comparson to 1.6. Why give up 50% of you screen real estate so you can have a little widgets sitting on wallpaper? and 1 widget per homescreen?   Is this a joke?

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

March 2nd, 2011 01:00

May I suggest you use ADW Launcher and one of the many widgets out there and forget about DELL's. You will be able to set how many rows/columns of icons you can have and the many widgets out there will certainly do what you need.

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