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October 24th, 2016 01:00

Very slow internet browsing on brand new XPS 13 9360 over Wifi.

After receiving my brand new XPS 13 I noticed the internet browsing was very slow at times over my Wifi connection. Expecially with web pages that pull in a lot of contact using ajex calls after the initial page load.
There was nothing wrong with the Wifi signal or the internet connection itself since other devices showed a good internet speed. Also, downloading files over Wifi was good.

After installing all the latest drivers I finally fixed the issue by disabling the QOS packet sheduler option on the Wireless network adapter. Finally the browsing experience returned back to normal.

While this fix works for me I wonder if this is the recommended fix or if there are any other better solutions.

3 Posts

December 18th, 2016 01:00

Looks like the issue is because of the power plan throttling wifi on battery!

1.Add wireless adapter settings to power settings

2.Change power saving mode for wirelss adapter to "max. performance". this fixed the issues on my new 9360

Tutorial on how to add wireless adapter settings is available on eightforums - google "power-options-add-remove-wireless-adapter-settings"

1 Message

March 11th, 2017 00:00

hello all. had a painfully low internet speed on 5Ghz, was slightly better on 2.4Ghz, went through the thread and could not improve the situation.

then i found this post

i have just updated the suite as per the instructions and works like a charm now. i hope it can help some of you guys.

Community Manager


2.4K Posts

October 25th, 2016 00:00


As far as I know, unless you're using QOS for specific functions or apps (and it's configured/setup), disabling it should not allow for a boost in speed. This could be more of a coincidence. Anyway, what kind of speed increase did you see?

Depending on what wireless card and router you have there can sometimes be suggested settings to try. I know there are threads on this forum that can detail this. Let me know if you've found anything else, or if you let me know what card and router you have I can try to post some suggestions.

Best regards,


October 25th, 2016 01:00


Yesterday the problems were back. Browsing is stop and go. I suspect that sending data is the problem. This would explain why initially loading a webpage is fast but loading subsequent content takes forever. Uploading some pictures to the internet did not work. It just waited forever.

Problem in all browsers I've tried: Firefox, Edge and Chrome.

Router is fine. I have a optic fiber connection. Every other device runs as smooth as ever. The only change is this specific laptop.

My laptop has a Killer ac1535 Wireless card.

Another suggestion I've tried is this:

That seems to have worked for now.

Will do some more testing later.

7 Posts

November 4th, 2016 16:00

Similar problem here although not as bad.  I can get 600mbps actual speed on my upload transfers at home from the laptop but only about 200mbps download.  This is doing file transfers and testing with iperf.  Using a MU-MIMO AC AP.  Target machine is a Windows 10 workstation connected with 10Gbps NIC and switch so no internal bandwidth constraints.  Just my iphone can exceed 320 mbps download and that is only a single spatial stream (I think.)

5 Posts

November 4th, 2016 16:00

Finally - I find a post with someone having similar issues to me.  I received my xps 13 9360 2 days ago.  After endless calls to dell support, I eventually returned the laptop and am awaiting a new one.

My issue was with the killer network card and download speeds.  On occasion I would get speeds of 40meg download and then most of the time it would restrict to less than 1Meg.  Tried updating the driver from dells instructions, updated BIOD and everything I tried didn't make a difference.  

All my other machines had a good connection showing download speeds of 50m.

Spent most of the day trying to see if there was a common issue - but haven't yet found anything.

Any heads up would be appreciated and will await to see what the replacement machine gives me!!

1 Message

November 8th, 2016 11:00

My XPS 13 never worked. Received my new XPS 13 with a full premium tech support package. After hours (not exaggerating) with tech support was never able to connect to Wi-Fi even though at least 4 other devices were able to connect. Was told twice that someone would get in touch with me, and never heard a word.

Lesson learned - never buy a product with a "known issue." The XPS 13 has a known network card issue, yet continues to push it out and not provide tech support.

November 13th, 2016 19:00

I'm having the same problems. The symptoms do seem to be TCP-related...glad to see someone is thinking about that as the root cause.

7 Posts

November 14th, 2016 09:00

WILSONJW42, what specifically are the problems that you are having?

November 15th, 2016 18:00

When running speedtest, MUCH slower than normal (meaning: when connected through a wired Ethernet connection) speed, then slowly decreasing in speed. After this, a new web page will not load.

Under these conditions, the symptoms are similar to TCP problems, where the window size decreases to the point the connection can't be maintained.

When the system works, it works well. When it doesn't, it's unreliable.

November 15th, 2016 18:00

I'm running two computers through the exact same wireless access point, attached to a router, which is attached to a cable modem. One computer has download speeds of 40 Mbps, while the Dell has download speeds of 0.6 Mbps, both using speedtest as the benchmark.

Community Manager


2.4K Posts

November 17th, 2016 22:00

Hi Guys,

Sorry on the delayed response, I did not see this thread still going from when the OP posted. Anyway, are these on the same system models and is this on both Wireless and Wired?

Let me know and I will be happy to take a look.

Best regards,


November 18th, 2016 06:00

There are several different issues here. My original issue is with browsing. Download speeds are fine but browsing is stop and go. Also uploading data is problematic.

The issue goes away after deleting and reinstalling  the wireless driver in the device manager.

It works for now.

7 Posts

November 18th, 2016 11:00

My issue has been on the 9360.  I don't have wired Ethernet to test with the laptop, but other wireless and wired network devices work as expected.

Community Manager


2.4K Posts

November 18th, 2016 14:00

Hi renewestenberg and mgittelman,

Can you both Privage Message me your Service Tag (do not post in the thread) and also what Router you're using (I am not blaming the router etc just wanted to see if I could find any internal bulletins related).

I would like to look into this further. I will not be back till Monday, but please post anything else you find. 

Thanks for all of the info so far and the quick replies. 

Best regards,


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