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This post is more than 5 years old



January 8th, 2010 11:00

Service engineer made things worse! trying to get system replaced

HI there,


I have had my M17x for aprox 4 months.

As with the majority of users this has been a very frustrating experiance, Stuttering audio, video bluescreening etc etc.


I have had the system hanging on the Alienware boot screen, had various error messages including Overclock failed (at stock and default bios settings)

I spoke to Tech support who sent out a service engineer with a replacement motherboard and CPU (Qx9300)

This is where the majority of problems have now originated from,

  • The service engineer had never worked or seen an m17x (only on short training video)
  • I had to look on the internet to show engineer how to remove palm rest.
  • Engineer used screw driver to try and pri off the piece of plastic inbetween the keyboard and the lcd, unaware that it was held on with screws
  • The engineer has broken the ribbon conector to the power switch and asked me for tape to stick it back on with.
  • The system did not boot when he reasembled it the first time (worked on second attempt)

Since the engineer has left the system has deteriated and now does not power up.

  • Errors included but not limited to
  • The Num lock scroll lock key flash and the Caps stay on
  • The system Blue screens with paging error in a non paged arear
  • Blue screen with other messages
  • The alienfx lights dont come on
  • The power button lights dont come on
  • The Lcd Doesnt do anything
  • The system doesnt Boot
  • The system hangs on the alienware head when it trys to boot.
  • The system just beeps and does nothing else

And finally its now dead and only the alienhead on the back of the lcd lights up when conected to the power supply

I have now spoken to Tech support and three different operatives have said that due to previously having a mother board and cpu changed and the

extent of the problems they recomend that the system is replaced.

suspected faulty components

  • Mother board
  • CPU
  • Ram
  • LCD
  • Graphics card
  • and or other internal coponenets and the damged parts from the service call

Tech suport have asked me to send my computer into them, this i declined as why would i pay for NBD warrenty and not return to base, if i

was only going to return the unit to base?

They have offered to send a service engineer out which i am very warry of due to the damage caused and lack of knowladge of the engineer in

my location. also the amount of parts that would need to be fitted or lack of diagnostics make that difficult.


I therefore  formally escalted the issues and complained about the service call and damge to my system and requested a replacment system.


I have also emailed for over a week now un resolved issues and not received a reply let alone within the 1 buisness day as promiced

I have been told i would receive call backs and have had none.

The matter is now in the hands of the team leader (slovakia) tech support alienware

she has escalated it to try and gain aproval for a replacement system.

I am still waiting


How do I escalate this matter further?


any advice apreciated

January 10th, 2010 13:00

Just a Quick update


There is nothing happening, Un resolved issues have not been in contact.

Alienware Tech support have not phoned emailed or made any attempt to contact me or keep me informed.

The System is still Dead and will not boot,


Still  "the Most Powerful Doorstop in the Universe"

January 11th, 2010 06:00

I have been informed that the legal department have aproved a new system.


"I received an approval from legal department to replace the system for a new one."

I have now asked to confirm that this would be a new system and not a refurbished one?  all the superviosr has done is reffer me to the terms and conditions

and has not answerd the question. which is highly frustrating


The other thing on my mind is that my m17x has always had issues , latency audio spikes bluescreen etc even when it "worked"

with Alienware  confirming that the m17x range is being refreshed  if this is going to be a new replacement id rather wait until these updated units are in production. I hope dell/alienware have ironed out all the issues!

I'm really not getting the level of comunication from Alienware that i have been acustomed to with Dell!

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

January 11th, 2010 06:00

The matter is now in the hands of the team leader (slovakia) tech support alienware. She has escalated it to try and gain aproval for a replacement system.
* You have escalated as far as I know how. Let us know when the exchange occurs.

January 11th, 2010 13:00

I have found the CEO office useful in sorting oit problems in the past

there is always away to escalate further


January 21st, 2010 04:00

Ok another update!


Alienware have agreed to replace my system with a BRAND NEW ONE,

Ok thats a result, the problem is that they will not confirm the specifications, they have promiced 4870 crossfire to resolve the dpc latecy issues.

However its now been well over a week and I have no information.


They are being less than helpful and the teamleader flatly refuses to help and has now washed her hands of it.


I need some help on this its been more than 5 WEEKS since my system worked.


can some one please let me know how to esculate this


please ive had enough thinking of going MAC!

January 26th, 2010 01:00

Yet another update


issues resolved 0 time taken 1month 12 day!!


Warrenty Next buisness day!!


Dear Customer,

Your Dell order [######## has been cancelled

Because of a problem with the combination of components we cannot complete the order.

Please contact your sales person to place a new order or to arrange a refund.




Cheers Dell!!

January 27th, 2010 19:00

Ok  Alot of heartache since the last update!


Thought things were going to be ressolved.


Found out that the system had been canclled due to lack of componets, I spoke at length to a Tech service manager that

informed me that the laptop had been cancelled due to the lack of ATI 4870 cards.


I was then informed that it had been re oredered with Nvidia cards.

This horrified me because they simply do not work as designed in the M1x,  They cause DPC latency issues, audio spikes and stuttering.


So after all this time, 4months of ownership with the system not working properly and the last 6 weeks with a dead system, Dell were going to send me a brand new system that has serious design flaws and doesnt work.


Now if Dell paid me to work as a beta tester for their systems that wouldnt be so bad, but they dont!


Latter in talking to a shift supervisor he reads out the specifications and now aparently my replacement has ATI cards again??????


I do not know what is going on other than its been far far too long and i have had nothing but trouble.


Will this ever end will Dell insist in sending me out a computer thats been replaced with a newer revison due to the fact it has so many problems.


need help this is making me ill

217 Posts

January 28th, 2010 07:00

More than likely the UK has some Consumer protection regulations around warranty's. You may want to contact your local equivalent of the BBB. You could also try notifying local media. They love stuff like this.

January 29th, 2010 15:00

Since the last update, I have spoken to senior Dell tech managers and they have tried to help.

However the said the only ones that could in this case was Alienware, So things went back to square one!


I was transfered to Alienware tech support whom couldnt help i then asked to speak to the manager, They put me on hold for almost

30 minuets without coming back to me and then said the manger wasnt avaialble, I insisted that i spoke to him and then they said that they thought he was free now, putting myself on hold for a further 10mins. at this point the call was aproching 2hrs!

I spoke at lengh to Peter and he was very helpful and knowledgble.

He offered to replace the sytstem and has ordered this for me

I cant close this case yet as i still await the order confirmation numbers and ETD




4 1/2 Months with a system that wouldnt play mp3 or videos, or play a game with out stuttering.

almost 7 weeks with the system completely dead!


Warrenty Next Buisness Day!!!


think its all over, will update when im sure and close this

February 2nd, 2010 10:00



The manager who has authorised the replacement system is out of the office for the week.

No progress made, no order number generated.


Person who orderes the replacement system will not do so with out the managers direct aproval, has

seen emails that show the systems been authorised but will not action!


This is a never ending story. Laptop has been dead now since December 14th 2009

To make things worse i have just ordered a Alienware area51 ALX, I must be Mad!



February 5th, 2010 09:00


Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

I had been offered and agreed on the specifcations of my replacement systen on 29th january

Dear Mr. ########


the point is, this is not about us deciding not to upgrade your display to RGB as Mr. ####### promised. At the moment, it is not technically possible to book the RGB display with the machine in EMEA region as it has been withdrawn.


Due to the reason above, Mr. ####### won't be able to help you on Monday either.


But it's up to you to wait, of course.


I am sorry for the dissapointment - we were trying to bring the case to satisfactory end.


Kind regards


##### ######


DELL The Gift that Keeps Giving!


This is beyound a joke, its poor customer service to the extreme.


I really don't know how to keep going, and why i was stupid enough to order an Area 51 ALX desktop


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome


February 13th, 2010 04:00

Still waiting


Have been given the option to have the system with the normal lcd screen or wait for the RGB to come back into stock.


Well after this long whats abit longer?


so i will wait, have gottten used to this by now.


its 2 months tomorrow since the engineer killed my laptop and 5 months not working as designed!!!



91 Posts

February 23rd, 2010 07:00

that sucks mate. i know how you feel. i had to wait 5 months for a replacement system.. worst part is.. the system i received didn't work.. 

February 23rd, 2010 07:00

Quick Update


Still waiting!


no signs of my replacment even being ordered yet



March 4th, 2010 04:00

Still waitting,


looks like it could be the end of march before it gets resolved!!


this sucks

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