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This post is more than 5 years old


March 13th, 2012 02:00

Lag Spikes and FPS Drop m17xr3

I was wondering if anyone else had some info about lag spikes. Right now any game I play, from mw2, to bf3, to skyrim, to just about anything, will have lag spikes. Perfmon and other monitoring tools shows no cpu spike or ram spike. I never get hot, I never use more than 50% of resources, firewall is off, I am hardwired to my modem, drivers have been tested from the alienware support site drivers to the nvidia drivers, bios was a09 and set back to a08 because of known issues with a09. settings in games have no effect, fraps running to check fps. 

Essentially, I can be running a game and then every few minutes it will drop in fps and lag will spike. I only really notice it in games. Never in other processes on the computer. Happens frequently in games. I was just testing bf3, and on ultra settings I can run smooth for about 30+fps and then suddenly drop to 1-5fps and then after about 30 seconds it will go back  to normal. With mw2 that I am playing, i can run 130+fps and then when it spikes it spikes down to around 15 fps. 

Personally I dont think it is a usage thing on the system, but a fps drop. No other system except games is affected. FPS is the only thing hit, as graphics stills show fine, just lower fps. 

I am kinda at a loss now. The only final thing I am going to test is RAM. I had 4gb ram preinstalled and changed it out to 8gb of kingston hyperx ram. I am going to switch back to the 4gb here in a sec and test it out, but not crossing my fingers. 

m17x r3


nvidia 580m gtx

750gb hdd

8gb hyperx ram 1600mhz

17 inch FHD 1080p monitor

500 Posts

March 13th, 2012 03:00

So i changed my ram back to the stock 4gb is came with, and kept trying my game. A small drop in FPS for normal use, which is to be expected a little. The lag spikes and sudden fps drop only happened once or twice again and has not happened since. i am going to try out some other games that were having the trouble too and see if the issue is corrected.

148 Posts

March 13th, 2012 09:00

You might want to download GPU-Z to check your temps.

 The GTX 580M / M17X Throttling issue It is well known and has been heavily discussed on a number of forums.

500 Posts

March 13th, 2012 12:00

I use speedfan to check my temps, and been running around 50-70 C. I think it is the throttling of the 580m since about 60+ I start hacing lag, and under that I dont.

At least it seems its not the ram haha.

9 Posts

September 11th, 2012 19:00

@ PhoenixBennu : you are saying that the problem is the RAM that cause dropping in FPS ?

im using M17x R2 and having same issue like you for every game i play, even sometime watching youtube.

to solve this , i just have to go out and buy new RAM for my laptop ?

18 Posts

January 3rd, 2013 00:00

I do not know if anyone has tried, but the problem was in the BIOS. Not sure what is the exact problem, but here is the link to the new BIOS by DELL and install it. It is quite fast and my stuttering was gone. Also i saw a better framerate in Planetside 2 and SMITE.

2 Posts

February 10th, 2013 13:00

hi, i have kind of the same problem...i buyed this m17xr3 ( i7 -2630QM CPU @2.00GHz ,8GB RAM, NVIDIA gtx 560m, hdd 320gb) -refurbished

i had no problem with it besides the webcam wich i couldn't install until this far so good...played bf3 mw3,max payne 3,starcraft 2,shogun 2, g recon everything running smooth...

THE PROBLEM is that i recently installed assassin's creed 3 , it was running smooth until yesterday when i started to have  lagging spikes from time to time ..i'm playing 5-7 min then i get this lag for 2-3 min or something like that...and now any game i play acts like that...i only experience this lag durin's strange..what went wrong?...the only thing i did was increasing the virtual memory from cntrl panel beacuse i was getting this low fps while playing shogun 2 (wehn scrolling the outside battle map) but i did this before installing ac3 and had no problem

I updated bios but no result -still lagging

tomorrow i'm  going to the shop for technical support but i would want your opinion too,it;s frustrating :( a lot of money and now i need some tiem to wate to solve it i guess


500 Posts

February 10th, 2013 13:00


In your case I would recommend running hwinfo64 and logging all activity on your system during the lag and then going back to check everything. What I assume you are noticing is a spike in gpu temp.

Be sure to update directx. This has been known to cause some of these lags. Also, try the basic uninstall and reinstall of the game. I would also check logging with other games to see how they compare to ac3. I have no lagging issues on ac3, so there is obviously something abnormally causing the issue.

I would also suggest resetting the virtual memory, potential to default or app controlled.

Please, also check with FRAPS to see how much of a drop in FPS you are getting while playing.

Post the log filed and other info back here and I will be happy to give it a look. :)

2 Posts

February 10th, 2013 15:00

I  mailed u the logging activity during the lag...(didin't know how to post it here sorry:P) , the virtual memory is set to recommended , 18-23 fps normally ( maximum settings) drops to 3-4 fps durin lag:(..

So..first i readjusted the virtual memory beacuse i was getting low fps when playing shogun 2(  suggestion taken from a forum) the result was preety ok.....(no problems with anything so far) then i installed ac3..played it for 2 days i think..without having any problem...then suddenly yesterday when i was playing it it started to lag.....i thought it was the game's fault but checking the other games i found out that all act the same now  :( could it be a software problem or a physical one ( gotta mention when i installed ac3 i played it in bed and the lap top got heated up a bit)...

many thanks for your time

500 Posts

February 10th, 2013 17:00

I am going to take a look at the logging, but right off the bat it sounds like a possible airflow issue. If you are comfortable doing so, then check the airflow.

First, put the back of the hand up to the vents and see what kind of flow you can feel. The back of the hand is more sensitive to this. Then pull off the bottom cover, and inspect the fans. Dust should be apparent. Then pull out each fan. There are usually just a few screws to loosen, and the unplug the power jumper and pull out the fan. This will allow you to see easier any dust buildup along the heat sink.

Use a can of air to clean. Never use your breath. I even use a q tip from time to time.

There can also be lingering damage from overheating, but it is pretty unlikely if it only happened once. I will be checking for things in the log, though.

Here is also a helpful article about check on lagging and frame drops.

500 Posts

February 10th, 2013 18:00

Alright, so I do need some clarification. The logging isnt a long bit of time, so I want to know when you started and when you ended logging. Did you start logging before playing the game, during a lag, etc?

From what I can see if that you are changing P states on the 560m. The 560m had the following states:

Perf 0 = P12 state = 50 core / 135 mem / 101 shader at 0,820 Volt

Perf 1 = P8 state = 202 core / 324 mem / 405 shader at 0,820 Volt

Perf 2 = P0 state = default clocks (or what you put in to OC) at 1,000 Volt.

Basically, P0 is where you should be at for good performance, P8 is an intermediary, usually after hitting 63C temps and having a voltage hrottle from 1 to 0.820 volts. P12 is essentially everyday, web browsing, IGP use. It is also the state most 560m/580m cards enter at 78C with the thermal throttling.

The issue here is that your temps and everything else state pretty much the same, but you are changing P states. You can see the different in clock speeds between being at 1.000 volts and 0.820 volts. It makes a pretty big difference.

The concern is that the temps in the logging are a little misaligned for hitting these points.

So, help me clarify.

When did you start and when did you end the logging What is during, before, after the lag, etc.

Can you do a log showing normal use, like web browsing for a few min, then hopping into one game that did not have the issue before and playing until it does have the issue, and then doing ac3 and doing the same, and then shutting down the game and ending logs. Take note of the times when you start game, have lag, lag stops, exit game, start new game, have lag, lag stops, exit game. etc. That way I can correlate it to the logging.

Also, check for dust and clogs, as mentioned earlier, before doing the new logging. Make sure everything is cleaned out. Make sure that power cords are plugged in properly (as throttling can incur from being unplugged and on battery power...but this was not the case in your last logs..they show me batt power and system power).

Let me know what driver version, bios version, and if you are doing anything else, like OCing.

As of right now, I can only assume it is a matter of voltage throttling from P0 to P8 state when hitting 63C. Keep in mind that not all temps are recorded in logging. In fact, one of the major areas of the cards temp that causes throttling is not monitored by the logging, and required separate tools to do so. I've have this conversation before with the Dell Lab and project managers in Texas.

Let me know if the cleaning helps, and if it doesnt then get back to me with the other info :)

18 Posts

February 26th, 2013 04:00

Bios fix was not a fix. Do you have any words from dell labs? It is a known problem. My warranty expired a month ago and now i am left with this throttling. Should i try adjusting P0 state manually or wait for an update?

Thank you!

500 Posts

February 26th, 2013 09:00

There are outside of the box things to do, such as repasting the cards and cpu to make sure cooling properly, using external cooling like a fan, using customer rigged vbios and drivers, however I would still come down to a good thorough cleaning before anything else.

Did you get a chance to clean everything out thoroughly?

3 Posts

March 31st, 2013 05:00

Hello...having the EXACT same problem as this person and just installed hwinfo64. Would love your advanced advice on things...Going to run this while I play League of Legends and then send the log to you..New to these forums. Sorry. :(

18 Posts

March 31st, 2013 10:00

i have been able to fix it. I have no stuttering any more. I just took a vacuum cleaner, open the lap top and started vacuuming. At the end, it vacuumed a little bit of dust, and now it works perfect as before. No problem at all. 

You can also vacuum without openning the case. I also did that and no problem. As soon as i get a little bit of stutter, i vacuum it for a sec and there is no problem. I live in an area that has a lot of dust, and vacuuming every 2 months is a fix i guess:)

hopefully this helps :)

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