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1 Rookie


13 Posts


August 6th, 2018 15:00

SmartByte, limits speed

If anyone has really fast internet and when you do a speed test you only get 100 Mbps, check to see if Dell has slipped the SmartByte application on to your PC. I have a 400 Mbps connection and 802.11AC wifi and my Inspiron PC would only get 100 Mbps at my ISP's official speedtest site.  i went through 3 different AC cards thinking it was them because my Ipad would always give me a speed of 400Mbps. Just by happenstance I uninstalled the SmartByte app, and lo and behold my speed now gives me 400+ Mbps. Here's the kicker, a day later the dang application was back and i was getting 100 Mbps again.  I didn't install it, it installed itself!  Every time i would uninstall it, a day later it would be back...ugh!  I do not know how to keep it from self installing so what I did was go to the "Services" tab of Windows 10's task Manager and stopped the service "SmartByte Network services"  after doing this i have my full speed back again, and the app doesn't "restart" itself.

1 Message

October 5th, 2018 15:00

You are a technical GOD !!!!

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

I tried everything. I changed the Ethernet cable.  I changed the port on the cable modem.  I got a new Xfinity cable modem.  I bought a new Ethernet card.  Nothing worked.

I found your post about SmartByte.  I disabled SmartByte.  My speed test results went from 10 mbps (yes, 10 !!!) to 300 mbps.

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

This Bud is for you.


44 Posts

October 8th, 2018 17:00

Bought a new Dell desktop 3 days ago after seeing my download speed at 5Mbps, I was able to debug and also find SmartByte as the culprit. Disabled it and Rivet Dynamic Bandwidth Management in Services and my speed went to 175Mbps. Spent a lot of time on this - wish I had seen this thread first (I found it by Googling SmartByte).

2 Posts

October 8th, 2018 22:00

I kept running into your post unintentionally - searching for information about SmartByte and what it is and inadvertently settled my issue with slicing my Internet speed down the middle. Awesome employment! Much obliged!

11 Posts

October 10th, 2018 04:00

So how do you guys uninstall? I searched for "SmartByte" in Start and hit Uninstall. There is also a SmartByte Drivers and Services in Control Panel, I assume I should remove that one too?

1 Message

October 12th, 2018 05:00

Just bought a Dell Inspiron Two-In-One and noticed it was SO slow compared to my HP laptop (which is dying -- hence the need for a new laptop). I am currently uninstalling the Drivers component as well. Will give you an update.

1 Message

October 13th, 2018 03:00

I had this issue before, SmartByte was really killing my speed. 

The way I stopped this is by disabling it in System Configuration (Windows Key + R, MSCONFIG)

Click on Services tab and find "SmartByte  Network Services"  and untick it. 

Since then I have had not had a issue. 

1 Message

October 17th, 2018 14:00

Well done and thanks for the post solved my problem was going to return my PC to Dell and get my money back!!!!!

Come on Dell get this sorted this is a new PC

October 23rd, 2018 14:00

Thanks for the info.  I also ran into this problem after upgrading my modem.  Speed was good coming from directly from modem and poor coming from a Linksys EA7300 router.    Once Smartbyte was deleted, speed test tripled.  I know that it affects the speed test but wonder how it affects actual downloads with video content considering Smartbyte is suppose to improve it.  Either way, there has to a lot of users who have this issue but may not be aware until they do a speed test!  

1 Message

October 23rd, 2018 17:00

Yes, I spent all the day trying to understand why the speed on my laptop and desktop is only 20 Mbps. Finally, I uninstalled smartbyte and the speed goes up to 150 mbps :) :) 

1 Message

October 30th, 2018 17:00

Thanks to this thread I just uninstalled SmartByte and now I have 35Mbps instead of 10Mbps

I have spent hours trying to fix this - including ordering a new wifi card.

Intel support tried hard to fix it - but couldn't find the culprit

Dell support just tried to make me spend a lot of money. They had no interest in talking about what the problem could be - and they just told me to send my Inspiron 5758 in for repair.

It would be great if Dell customer support were informed of this issue.   It would save your customers time and money





1 Message

October 31st, 2018 20:00

So, I bought an expensive new Dell Gaming PC a couple of months ago. When I get a new PC I always uninstall all the pre-loaded software I'll never use. Ever since I got this machine I've only been pulling 40Mbps on a 100Mbps connection. Every other machine in the house was fine. It wasn't a deal breaker but the internet lag was getting worse and worse. I was going through the Start menu looking for something else and found this SmartByte by happenstance. I googled and the first result was this post. I immediately uninstalled and did a speed test. 120Mbps. Thank you kind stranger. 

1 Message

November 4th, 2018 07:00

Hey guys, I just found out on 96% of people say KEEP this, and only 4% say remove.  Also, this site talks about how dell has added it to something to automatically reinstall if uninstalled.  I don't really want to uninstall in case I mess something up, also I don't know if it makes stuff better or worse.  Can someone please show me some video or documentation of how it is making stuff worse?  I am trying to stream in case you needed to know.  Also, it is taking up 30.6 mb of RAM.


***** GUYS I don't know if this is for other people, but my download speed went down a bit, and my upload speed went down a TON when I removed this.  Also, I spent 2 hours trying to restore to before removing it, but kept not working until restoring via the restart advanced options mode.  I obviously didn't know what I was doing, and wouldn't recommend others uninstalling this unless you are being very careful.  If someone can PLEASE tell me what went wrong, and how to fix this mess, that would be great.  Thanks! *****

1 Message

November 4th, 2018 08:00

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gave me back my sanity.
I knew it was my PC because it was the only one that had the problem, my kids thought I was going nuts since their PCs were not slow but then again their PCs are not Dell.

Went into "services" and changed SmartByte and Rivet Dynamic Bandwidth to DISABLED.

1 Message

November 7th, 2018 06:00

Thank you for posting this!!!  My download speed was 4mbps  and when I uninstalled smartbyte it went back to were it should be at 60mbps. Interesting note, when I would test download speed using a VPN I would get the full speed (60mbps).


Thanks :)

1 Message

November 12th, 2018 14:00

Wow.  I reset Win10 because I couldn't figure out why my fiber net download speed went from 940Mbps to 45.  Normal speed resumed until today when it went back down to 11Mbps.  I saw SmartByte was installed, then read this thread.  UnInstalled it and - bam! - back to 950+ on the downloads.  I'll be sure this bloadware doesn't appear again.

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