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This post is more than 5 years old


September 25th, 2016 19:00

Networker add CloudBoost appliance failed

Hi Everyone,

     I have a networker backup server and a CloudBoost appliance. When I add CB as a storage node for Networker. But the add procedure always failed with the error information "cannot retrieve the version of the cloudboost appliance". Do you know the reason?

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

September 26th, 2016 00:00


52 Posts

September 26th, 2016 00:00

What kind of permissions?

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

September 26th, 2016 05:00

I don't use CB, but as it acts as storage node I'm quite sure you need to add it to admin list and user you use to communicate with CB appliance most likely needs to have appropriate permissions as well.  Of course, it might be something else that breaks communication like name resolving.  Do you see anything on CB side in logs?

52 Posts

September 26th, 2016 05:00

If I add the CB as a storage, the Networker can normally detect the daemon versions. But if I directly add the CB as a device type of CloudBoost, it failed.

68 Posts

September 26th, 2016 06:00

Which NW/CB versions are you using?

Have you checked CompGuideApp?

Behaviour changed between NW8 and NW9.

Checked NW/CB integration guide? For NW8 there is a separate guide, for NW9 it's included in the NW9 admin guide.

NW9 has a new device type for CB.

52 Posts

September 26th, 2016 18:00

NW 9.0.1 and CB 2.1.2 are OK working together. I have done the procedure following the NW 9.0.1 administrator guide. And I found that after I deployed the .ova file of CB, the CB system didn't install the packages (lgtoclnt.deb, lgtonode.deb and lgtoxtdclnt.deb) for NW. So I manually installed those packages, NW still could not add the CB.

68 Posts

September 26th, 2016 23:00

Remote client mounting is enabled?

52 Posts

September 26th, 2016 23:00

Yes, I have enabled remote mounting. I have tried to add the CB on the NW as following steps:

1. Choose "New Devices Properties". Filling the CB's FQDN in the Name area and the Device Access Information fill in FQDN:device0. And the Media Domain choose Cloud Boost. Remote Host area also filled in the remote user and password (remotebackup/passwordxxxxx). Then click "OK" to complete the creation procedure.

2. Next, I tried to label the device. but the NW log error massage " The 'nw_cbcl_init' program was called on an unsupported platform".

68 Posts

September 26th, 2016 23:00


Please post the "status" output (CB appliance).

Are all NW services running? Have you checked the daemon.raw?

Have you checked your DNS configuration? NW <-> CB (short, fqdn, reverse).

52 Posts

September 26th, 2016 23:00

I don't know what all NW services include. But the nsrexecd process is running. And the DNS configuration is OK. the daemon.raw logging is:

0 1474963232 1 5 0 724092800 4680 0 nsrsnmd NSR notice 2 %s 1 0 28 @(#) Product:      NetWorker

0 1474963232 1 5 0 724092800 4680 0 nsrsnmd NSR notice 2 %s 1 0 36 @(#) Release:

0 1474963232 1 5 0 724092800 4680 0 nsrsnmd NSR notice 2 %s 1 0 22 @(#) Build number: 614

0 1474963232 1 5 0 724092800 4680 0 nsrsnmd NSR notice 2 %s 1 0 47 @(#) Build date:   Fri Jun 17 09:20:56 PDT 2016

0 1474963232 1 5 0 724092800 4680 0 nsrsnmd NSR notice 2 %s 1 0 27 @(#) Build arch.:  linux86w

0 1474963232 1 5 0 724092800 4680 0 nsrsnmd NSR notice 2 %s 1 0 53 @(#) Build info:   DBG=0,OPT=-O0 -fno-strict-aliasing

146683 1474963232 1 5 0 724092800 4680 0 nsrsnmd NSR notice 31 Starting snmd #%u for server %s 2 5 9 531090433 12 15 win-6tng6a012q1

152100 1474963480 2 5 1 2002098048 1803 0 nsrexecd NSR warning 89 A request was received to start %s #%d for server %s but it's already running with PID %d 4 20 7 nsrsnmd 1 9 531090433 12 15 win-6tng6a012q1 1 4 4680

68 Posts

September 27th, 2016 05:00

Take a look at nsr_render_log to render the log.

If you not know all NW services it's maybe a good idea to first get familiar with NW basics before using CB or any other feature.

What kind of machine is win-6tng6a012q1?

Please provide us with the CB "status" output.

From CB check DNS: networker-ip, networker-short, networker-fqdn

From NW check DNS: cb-ip, cb-short, cb-fqdn

Post this output too.


152100 1474963480 2 5 1 2002098048 1803 0 nsrexecd NSR warning 89 A request was received to start %s #%d for server %s but it's already running with PID %d 4 20 7 nsrsnmd 1 9 531090433 12 15 win-6tng6a012q1 1 4 4680


Means that the NW server is trying to start a service (nsrsnmd) but it is already running.

52 Posts

September 27th, 2016 23:00

From CB ckeck DNS:

The NW installed on Windows system which is in a LAN. And the NW host name is win-6tng6a012q1.

I have already add the NW host name to the CB's hosts file. And it's connective between CB and NW.


From NW ckeck DNS:


DNS request timed out.

    timeout was 2 seconds.

Server:  UnKnown






Host Configuration:

  Hostname:        test



Version Information:

  Version:         3.6.2

  Revision:        bfc30581

Network Interfaces:

             name            mode         address         netmask

             ----            ----         -------         -------

             eth0          static

Network Routes:

           prefix         netmask         gateway

           ------         -------         -------

          default               *

DNS Configuration

  DNS Servers:

Appliance status: Initial configuration completed

October 31st, 2016 12:00

Make sure remote client mounting has been enabled AND that you are adding the appliance into NetWorker with "remotebackup" as the username:

1.) To enable remote mounting, run the following command from the CLI of the CloudBoost appliance:

remote-mount-password enable (set a password here)

2.) From NMC, when adding the appliance as a storage node, the user should be remotebackup (not admin or root) and the password is the one set in the command above.

52 Posts

November 1st, 2016 01:00

I have already enabled the remote client mounting but it's still didn't work. The problem was not fixed at last.

November 2nd, 2016 11:00

Are you using "remotebackup" as the user when you try adding the CloudBoost appliance into NetWorker?

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