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6.7K Posts


February 10th, 2016 01:00

isi smb sessions list Output

HI there ...

Does anybody know or have deep information about isi smb sessions list -v output ?

As it seems Client show up even min After quitting access . ( quitting means closing explore from client side )

How long client will be show up even connection was cut from client side ?,,, ( would this need to be rebooted ? )

I believe this would be the number of Open file but how does this count ? As some client does not open file but it shows # open XX

I know this would be number of Open files ( same number as output of  isi smb openfiles list) but not sure how this count .

As some client does not open file but it shows # open XX.

example ========================

x200-1# isi smb session list -v  

Computer: xxxxxxx

      User: UserA

Client Type: DOS LM 2.0

    # open: 3←

    Active: 6d 21h 29m

      Idle: 4m 52s

Guest Login: False

Encryption: False

thanks !


130 Posts

February 12th, 2016 05:00

Hello ayas,

I spoke to a member of our Windows Protocols team, and here are the answers to your questions:

-To get all the Keepalive settings on Isilon cluster:
# sysctl -a |grep "tcp.*keep"
net.inet.tcp.keepidle: 7200000
net.inet.tcp.keepintvl: 75000
net.inet.tcp.keepinit: 75000
net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive: 1

These controls mean:

net.inet.tcp.keepidle :- Amount of time, in milliseconds, that the (TCP) connection must be idle before keepalive probes (if enabled) are sent.
net.inet.tcp.keepintvl :- The interval, in milliseconds, between keepalive probes sent to remote machines. After TCPTV_KEEPCNT (default 8) probes are sent, with no response, the (TCP) connection is dropped.
net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive - Assume that SO_KEEPALIVE is set on all TCP connections, the kernel will periodically send a packet to the remote host to verify the connection is still up.
-Therefore formula to calculate maximum TCP inactive connection time is following: net.inet.tcp.keepidle + (net.inet.tcp.keepintvl x 8)

How long client will be show up even connection was cut from client side ?,,, ( would this need to be rebooted ? )

If the Keepalive and Keepidle are default setting for cluster, the client will stay connected for about 2.1 hours. (The result is in milliseconds.)

Therefore, for example, by setting
net.inet.tcp.keepidle = 7200000
net.inet.tcp.keepintvl = 75000
net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive =1 (must be 1 always)

The system will disconnect a call when TCP connection is dead for:
7200000 + (75000 x 8) = 7800000 msec (
2.166 hours)

Please see link below for information

I know this would be number of Open files ( same number as output of  isi smb openfiles list) but not sure how this count

Yes, this is same number as output of isi smb openfiles list,

As some client does not open file but it shows # open XX

The cluster will show this file as open until the session is disconnect or the file is manually close by running isi smb openfiles close

For more regarding isi smb openfile please see link below:

All knowledgebase links above do require a login to EMC Online Support. Please let me know if there is anything else we can help you with!



6.7K Posts

February 24th, 2016 18:00

hi Katie !

Sorry for the delayed reply ... Thanks you heaps for the great info !

The reason for this question was ,,,, my customer wants to use this session list command when they have some HW maintenance( like node replacement ) so that user does not get affected during maintenance.

Now I understand that smb session list would be difficult to use  this propose,  Is there any good Idea to check who is connecting Isilon.

I have found # isi statistics client but this one does only show one client even others has accessing Isilon share ...

x200-1# isi statistics client

Ops        In Out    TimeAvg Node Proto Class  UserName LocalName      RemoteName

N/s B/s B/s us

      0.2 119.8      48.2 194.0 1      http read    UNKNOWN

      4.0 574.6        0.0 749527.9 1      http write    UNKNOWN

      0.2 119.8      218.4 2894.0 1 papi read    UNKNOWN

thanks !


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