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Číslo článku: 000185734

EOL Documents for Converged Infrastructure, Midrange and Enterprise Storage, and Storage Networking

Shrnutí: This article contains End-of-Life Documents that would help our customers and partners to learn about Dell Hardware, Software, and Firmware Release and Service Dates.

Tento článek byl zřejmě přeložen automaticky. Máte-li připomínky k jeho kvalitě, informujte nás pomocí formuláře ve spodní části stránky.

Obsah článku


The following is End-of-Support Life information for many converged infrastructure, midrange and enterprise storage, and storage networking products. The .xlsx files in the attachment section contain the corresponding product, version, end of service, and any extended support dates when applicable.
  • Hardware Release and End of Service Life file
  • Software Release and End of Service Life file
  • Firmware Release and End of Service Life file
The support capability of any tagged device can be checked in the support site:
  1. Enter the service tag of the device.
  2. The support services, and their expiry date, is displayed in the banner next to a figure of the tagged device.
  3. For further information, go to the service event tab and enter your email address.
  4. This allows you to view the Service Events for this product.

Další informace

For information about End-of-Life Security Support Policy for Converged Infrastructure, Midrange and Enterprise Storage, Storage Networking Products, and Dell Security Policy, see Dell knowledge base articles: 


EMCSoftwareReleaseandEndofServiceLifeNotifications_pkb_en_US_1.xlsx EMCHardwareReleaseandEndofServiceLifeNotifications_pkb_en_US_1.xlsx EMCOperating_EnvironmentReleaseandEndofServiceLifeNotifications_pkb_en_US_1.xlsx

Vlastnosti článku

Dotčený produkt

Converged Infrastructure, Data Protection, Network Management Software, Connectrix, PowerPath, Connectrix B-Series, Connectrix MDS-Series, Analytics, Enterprise Storage, PowerStore, Dell EMC Unity, VNX/VNXe, Storage Software

Datum posledního vydání

28 kvě 2024



Typ článku

How To