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Dell Optimizer Does Not Run Under Windows 11

Shrnutí: This article provides information about the Dell optimizer application that can not work under Windows 11 system.

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Obsah článku


Dell Optimizer does not run or install under Windows 11. Windows 11 blocks the installation and execution of Dell Optimizer when Smart App Control is enabled.


Windows 11 has enabled the Smart App Control Feature and the version of Dell Optimizer on the system has unsigned binary files.


  1. Disable Smart App Control in Windows 11 can solve it:
    1. In the Search Box on the taskbar, type Smart App Control.
    2. Select the Smart App Control system settings from the results.
    3. Change the Periodic scanning setting to On or Off
  2. Install a newer version of Dell Optimizer which will run under Smart App Control (when available).

Vlastnosti článku

Dotčený produkt

Dell Optimizer

Datum posledního vydání

07 úno 2023



Typ článku
