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Alienware 13 R2, 15 R2 & 17 R3: Systems Not Powering Up

Zusammenfassung: Alienware 13 R2, 15 R2 & 17 R3 may stop powering on after a shutdown. Here's how to fix the issue by bridging the CLRP1 Pins.

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Alienware 13 R2 may not power up anymore after shut down. This issue may happen suddenly and without any specific behavior prior to the issues.

  • Alienware 13 R2
  • Alienware 15 R2
  • Alienware 17 R3


Cause information is not available.


Alienware 15 R2 and 17 R3

  1. Shut down the system

  2. Remove the bottom cover

  3. Disconnect the battery cable

  4. Remove the system memory. Watch this video to learn how to remove the memory

  5. Locate the CLRP1 Pins

    Figure 1: Alienware 15 R2 and 17 R3: CLRP1 pins location, once memory has been removed

  6. Using pliers or a flat head screwdriver touch both pins at the same time

    Figure 2: Alienware 15 R2 and 17 R3: bridging the CLRP1 pins with needlenose pliers

  7. Connect everything back and try again. If your system load Windows, update your system Bios to version 1.2.15 or higher from our Drivers page.

Alienware 13 R2

  1. Shut down the system

  2. Remove the bottom cover

  3. Disconnect the battery cable

  4. Remove the system memory. Watch this video to learn how to remove the memory.

  5. Locate the CLRP2 Pins

    Figure 3: Alienware 13 R2: CLRP2 pins location, once memory has been removed

  6. Using pliers or a flat head screwdriver touch both pins at the same time

    Figure 4: Alienware 13 R2: bridging the CLRP2 pins with needlenose pliers

  7. Connect everything back and try again. If your system load Windows, update your system Bios to version 1.2.15 or higher from our Drivers page.

If the steps above do not fix the issue you may try additional steps from our article Alienware Computer Does Not Turn On or Go Into Windows.

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Betroffenes Produkt

Alienware 13 R2, Alienware 15 R2, Alienware 17 R3

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

10 Jan. 2024



