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Windows Hello setup not functioning after Fall Creators Update

Yhteenveto: Windows Hello sign-in with facial recognition or eye tracking receiving error when setting up.

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Windows Hello setup may not function correctly after the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. This article provides more information about this issue and possible workarounds to resolve the issue.

Windows Hello nonfunctional after Fall Creators Update

SLN308649_en_US__1icon NOTE: This issue has been reported on Alienware laptops using the Tobii Eye Tracking configuration with the Windows Hello sign-in feature, but may impact other Dell systems using the facial recognition/iris detection for sign-in. Reference the following Dell Knowledge Base article for a list of Dell supported systems and requirements for using Windows Hello: Windows 10 Hello Facial Recognition feature - supported systems and requirements.

You may be unable to setup the Windows Hello sign-up feature in Windows 10 after the Fall Creators Update. If you already had facial recognition set up for Windows Hello, it might work if you just updated. But if you did a fresh installation with Fall Creators Update or didn't have Windows Hello already configured, then the set-up process may not work.

The following error may show in Event Viewer when you attempt to set up Windows Hello:
Microsoft.BioEnrollment_10.0.16299.15_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy+App was terminated because it took too long to suspend.

We're currently investigating the issue, but unfortunately, there's no workaround for now.
Meanwhile, please bear with us!


The following workarounds may resolve the issue to get Windows Hello up and running until the issue is fixed:

  • Downgrade to the previous Windows version to uninstall the Fall Creators Update, set up Windows Hello and then upgrade to Fall Creators Update again.
  • Go into Control Panel - Accounts - Sign in options and then uncheck the last option "Use my sign in to automatically finish setting up my device after an update or restart".
  • Go to Device Manager - Universal Serial Bus devices - EyeChip and right-click to Uninstall. Reboot your computer and try to setup Windows Hello again.
  • For Alienware Tobii Aware/IR presence users
    Go to Device Manager - Imaging devices - Realtek IR and right-click to Uninstall. Reboot your computer and try to setup Windows Hello again. If the driver is not back, download it here.




Refer to Symptoms section.

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16 helmik. 2024



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