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Artikkelin numero: 000137329

Interposer Card Only Detects One Solid State Drive (SSD)

Yhteenveto: Some PCIe M.2 Solid State Drives (SSD) fail detection when installed on Multi-SSD interposer cards. This issue has been observed on a Dell Precision Workstation after the interposer card was installed in the system by the system user. ...

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Artikkelin sisältö


Some PCIe M.2 Solid State Drives (SSD) fail detection when installed on Multi-SSD interposer cards. This issue has been observed on a Dell Precision Workstation after the interposer card was installed in the system by the system user. Only a single SSD drive was detected.



This issue is caused by which slot the interposer card is installed in. The Precision Tower 5810, 7810, 7910 systems are equipped with multiple PCIe slots that will accept x16 PCIe form factor cards, however some of these PCIe slots are wired as PCIe x4, not PCIe x16.
If the slot is wired as PCIe x4, then only one SSD on the interposer card will be detected.


Move the interposer card to a true x16 PCIe slot.
Note: PCIe SSD M.2 Interposer cards installed by Dell from the factory are installed in x16 wired PCIe slot.

Artikkelin ominaisuudet

Tuote, johon asia vaikuttaa

Precision Rack 7910, Precision Tower 5810, Dell Precision Tower 7810, Precision Tower 7910

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

30 syysk. 2021



Artikkelin tyyppi
