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  • Hallitse Dell EMC-sivustoja, tuotteita ja tuote-tason yhteystietoja yrityksen hallinnan avulla.

Dell Storage Compatibility Matrix for SC, PS, and FS Series Arrays

Yhteenveto: The Dell Storage Compatibility Matrix (DSCM) provides guidance on hosts and switches that are validated for use with SC Series (Dell Compellent), PS Series (EqualLogic), and FS Series (FluidFS) storage solutions. ...

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Artikkelin sisältö


The Dell Storage Compatibility Matrix (DSCM) provides guidance on hosts and switches that are validated for use with SC Series (Dell Compellent), PS Series (EqualLogic), and FS Series (FluidFS) storage solutions.

The DSCM does not provide an exhaustive list of what works with any of these solutions. Dell storage solutions are based on storage industry standards for Fibre Channel and iSCSI and can work with almost any host adapter or switch that adheres to these standards.





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Edellinen julkaisupäivä

18 tammik. 2023



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