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How to retrieve the NetWorker authentication service's keystore password

Podsumowanie: This KB can be used for decoding the base64 encrypted authc keystore password used by NetWorker

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How to retrieve the NetWorker authentication service's keystore password in case it is forgotten.

The keystore password can be  obtained from this file:

Linux: /nsr/authc/conf/
Windows:  C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\authc-server\tomcat\conf\

In this example, the keystore password is UGFzc3dvcmQx .
#Authc server application properties
#Wed Jun 27 20:12:11 EDT 2018
keystore.filepath=C\:\\Program Files\\EMC NetWorker\\nsr\\authc-server\\tomcat\\conf\\authc.keystore

Paste the encoded password in then click "Decode". It will show the password assigned  below the Decode box.
The base64 decoded password is therefore Password1.

Produkty, których dotyczy problem



NetWorker Family
Właściwości artykułu
Numer artykułu: 000158494
Typ artykułu: How To
Ostatnia modyfikacja: 16 sie 2022
Wersja:  3
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