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Dell Command | Monitor Version 9.1 User's Guide

Setting BIOS attributes

In Dell Command | Monitor, the following methods are added for changing the system settings and state of the local or remote systems:
  • SetBIOSAttributes — For changing the BIOS setting
  • ChangeBootOrder — For changing the boot configuration
  • RequestStateChange — For shutting down and restarting the system
  • ManageTime — Returns system time

You can run these methods using winrm, VB script, PowerShell commands, wmic, wbemtest.exe, and WMI wbemtest.

You can set BIOS attributes using the SetBIOSAttributes method. The procedure is explained below using a task of enabling the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) as an example.

  • NOTE: Make sure the TPM option is cleared in the BIOS before following the procedure to enable the TPM.

To enable TPM:

  1. Set the BIOS password on the system if not set already using the following PowerShell command: (gwmi -Class DCIM_BIOSService -Namespace root\dcim\sysman).SetBIOSAttributes($null,$null,"AdminPwd","enter a new password")
  2. To enable TPM security use the following command and restart the system after it: (gwmi -Class DCIM_BIOSService -Namespace root\dcim\sysman).SetBIOSAttributes($null,$null,"Trusted Platform Module","1","provide the password")
  3. To activate the TPM use the following command and again restart the system: (gwmi -Class DCIM_BIOSService -Namespace root\dcim\sysman).SetBIOSAttributes($null,$null,"Trusted Platform Module Activation","2","provide the password")  
  4. Restart the system.
    • NOTE: Use PowerShell with Administrator privileges.

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