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Dell Vostro 3660/3669 Owner's Manual


System error messages

Table 1. System error messages
System message Description
Alert! Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [nnnn]. For help in resolving this problem, please note this checkpoint and contact Dell Technical Support The computer failed to complete the boot routine three consecutive times for the same error.
CMOS checksum error RTC is reset, BIOS Setup default has been loaded.
CPU fan failure CPU fan has failed.
System fan failure System fan has failed.
Hard-disk drive failure Possible hard disk drive failure during POST.
Keyboard failure Keyboard failure or loose cable. If reseating the cable does not solve the problem, replace the keyboard.
No boot device available No bootable partition on hard disk drive, the hard disk drive cable is loose, or no bootable device exists.
  • If the hard drive is your boot device, ensure that the cables are connected and that the drive is installed properly and partitioned as a boot device.
  • Enter system setup and ensure that the boot sequence information is correct.
No timer tick interrupt A chip on the system board might be malfunctioning or motherboard failure.
NOTICE - Hard Drive SELF MONITORING SYSTEM has reported that a parameter has exceeded its normal operating range. Dell recommends that you back up your data regularly. A parameter out of range may or may not indicate a potential hard drive problem S.M.A.R.T error, possible hard disk drive failure.

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