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Dell Wyse ThinOS 9.1.3129, 9.1.3112, 9.1.2101, and 9.1.1131 Administrator’s Guide


Set the time and date

About this task

This section describes how to configure the time and date settings on your thin client.


  1. From the desktop menu, click System Setup > System Preferences.
    The System Preferences dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the Time/Date tab, and do the following:
    Figure 1. Time and date
    Time and date
    1. From the Time Zone drop-down list, select a time zone where the thin client operates.
    2. From the Time Format drop-down list, select either 12-hour time format or 24-hour time format.
    3. From the Date Format drop-down list, select a date format to be used for date and time representation.
    4. In the Time Servers field, enter the IP addresses or host names of the time server with optional TCP port number.
      Each entry with an optional port number is specified as Name-or-IP: port. If not specified, port 80 is used. When you are using user profiles, locations can be supplied through user profiles. The time servers provide the thin client time based on the settings of the time zone and daylight saving information. If DHCP is used, locations can be supplied through DHCP.
    5. Click the Change Date and Time button to change date and time for secure environments.
  3. Click OK to save your settings.
    NOTE:You can enable or disable the privilege of end users to change the date or time. Go to the Admin Policy Tool or Wyse Management Suite policy settings Advanced > Privacy & SecurityAccount privileges, and enable or disable the Allow to change Time/Date from system bar option.

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