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Dell PowerStore Importing External Storage to PowerStore Guide

Configure a File Mobility Network for file-based import

About this task

A file mobility network is a prerequisite infrastructure that is needed for the exchange of control traffic between NAS clusters in a file import environment. The configuration consists of the following IP addresses:

  • A file mobility cluster IP address for the PowerStore appliance
  • A file mobility IP address for Node A of the PowerStore appliance
  • A file mobility IP address for Node B of the PowerStore appliance

Once the file mobility network is created, its IP addresses must be mapped to the PowerStore management interface. To configure a file mobility network for file-based import, do the following:

NOTE:For general information about file mobility network, see the PowerStore Manager online help. For detailed information about configuring a file mobility network, see the PowerStore Networking Guide for PowerStore T Models.


  1. In PowerStore Manager, select Settings and under Networking select Network IPs.
    The Network IPs page appears.
  2. Select the File Mobility tab.
  3. Select Create.
    The Create File Mobility Network slide out panel appears.
  4. Specify the relevant information to create the file mobility network and then click Create.
    The File Mobility Cluster is created.
  5. Select Map Network to map the file mobility network to the PowerStore management interface.


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