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Dell Wyse ThinLinux Version 2.2 Release Notes


Fixed issues

Table 1. Fixed Issues. The following are the fixed issues on ThinLinux 2.2:
Serial number Summary
1. Resolved an issue where you can save the Manage USB Port settings using the GUI option after entering an incorrect BIOS password.
2. Resolved an issue wherein after parsing the INI USB_Rule=Deny_Class Class=Storage in a VMware session, the VMware view Connect USB Device drop-down option is listed.
3. Resolved an issue where the mouse blinks in Mozilla Firefox browser when a YouTube video is played.
4. Resolved an issue where a blank screen is observed when you use multiple displays with high-resolution on the Wyse 3040 thin client.
5. Resolved an issue where desktop artifacts and the Windows Start menu are not displayed in an ICA session. The issue is observed when you connect a secondary display on the Wyse 3040 thin client.
6. Resolved an issue where the Swiss German language keyboard layout does not redirect to the Citrix session.


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