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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Configuring Generic LDAP Directory Service Using iDRAC7 Web-Based Interface

To configure the generic LDAP directory service using Web interface:
  • NOTE: For information about the various fields, see the iDRAC7 Online Help.
  1. In the iDRAC7 Web interface, go to Overview > iDRAC Settings > User Authentication > Directory Services > Generic LDAP Directory Service . The Generic LDAP Configuration and Management page displays the current generic LDAP settings.
  2. Click Configure Generic LDAP.
  3. Optionally, enable certificate validation and upload the digital certificate used during initiation of SSL connections when communicating with a generic LDAP server.
    • NOTE: In this release, non-SSL port based LDAP bind is not supported. Only LDAP over SSL is supported.
  4. Click Next. The Generic LDAP Configuration and Management Step 2 of 3 page is displayed.
  5. Enable generic LDAP authentication and specify the location information about generic LDAP servers and user accounts.
    • NOTE: If certificate validation is enabled, specify the LDAP Server’s FQDN and make sure that DNS is configured correctly under Overview > iDRAC Settings > Network .
    • NOTE: In this release, nested group is not supported. The firmware searches for the direct member of the group to match the user DN. Also, only single domain is supported. Cross domain is not supported.
  6. Click Next. The Generic LDAP Configuration and Management Step 3a of 3 page is displayed.
  7. Click Role Group. The Generic LDAP Configuration and Management Step 3b of 3 page is displayed.
  8. Specify the group distinguished name, the privileges associated with the group, and click Apply.
    • NOTE: If you are using Novell eDirectory and if you have used these characters—#(hash), "(double quotes), ;(semi colon), > (greater than), , (comma), or <(lesser than)—for the Group DN name, they must be escaped.
    The role group settings are saved. The Generic LDAP Configuration and Management Step 3a of 3 page displays the role group settings.
  9. If you want to configure additional role groups, repeat steps 7 and 8.
  10. Click Finish. The generic LDAP directory service is configured.

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