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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Viewing Historical Temperature Data

You can monitor the percentage of time the system has operated at ambient temperature that is greater than the normally supported temperature threshold. The system board inlet temperature sensor reading is collected over a period of time to monitor the temperature. The data collection starts when the system is first powered on after it is shipped from the factory. The data is collected and displayed for the duration when the system is powered on. You can track and store the monitored inlet temperature for the last seven years.
  • NOTE: You can track the inlet temperature history even for systems that are not fresh air compliant.
Two temperature bands are tracked:
  • Warning band — Consists of the duration a system has operated above the inlet temperature sensor warning threshold. The system can operate in the warning band for 10% of the time for 12 months.
  • Critical band — Consists of the duration a system has operated above the inlet temperature sensor critical threshold. The system can operate in the critical band for 1% of the time for 12 months which also increments time in the warning band.

The collected data is represented in a graphical format to track the 10% and 1% levels. The logged temperature data can be cleared only before shipping from the factory.

An event is generated if the system continues to operate above the normally supported temperature threshold for a specified operational time. If the average temperature over the specified operational time is greater than or equal to the warning level (> = 8%) or the critical level (> = 0.8%), an event is logged in the Lifecycle Log and the corresponding SNMP trap is generated. The events are:
  • Warning event when the inlet temperature was greater than the warning threshold for duration of 8% or more in the last 12 months.
  • Critical event when the inlet temperature was greater than the warning threshold for duration of 10% or more in the last 12 months.
  • Warning event when the inlet temperature was greater than the critical threshold for duration of 0.8% or more in the last 12 months.
  • Critical event when the inlet temperature was greater than the critical threshold for duration of 1% or more in the last 12 months.

You can also configure iDRAC to generate additional events. For more information, see the Setting Alert Recurrence Event section.

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