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Dell Wyse ThinLinux 1.0.3 Administrator’s Guide


Application overview screen

Figure 1. Application Overview Screen
The ThinLinux desktop is called the Application Overview screen. This is the default ThinLinux screen that is displayed after you log in to the thin client (without auto-start of any connections or application).
  • Application Icons— To access the application icons, click the dots on the lower-right corner of the screen. You can start the application by clicking a particular application icon. If there are more application icons, then the icons are displayed on multiple pages.
  • Taskbar— The taskbar is displayed at the bottom of the Application Overview screen (ThinLinux Desktop).
The Application Overview Screen consists of the following screen elements:
  • Search Entry— User can search for applications by typing the application name in the Search text box.
  • Dual Monitor — This is applicable when you are connected to the dual monitor. The Application overview screen icons are displayed only on the primary monitor. On the secondary monitor, only background is displayed. If an application is running on the secondary monitor in the Desktop View, then a thumb nail of the application is displayed on the secondary monitor in the Application overview screen.
  • Firefox— Opens the Firefox Web Browser.
  • Settings— The Settings Application is the integrated application for system settings in both user and admin mode. This application icon appears in the  System Application Overview screen  upon system startup in both user and admin mode.

  • XTerm— XTerm is the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System. Use the terminal emulator window for X to access a text terminal and all its applications such as command line interfaces (CLI) and text user interface applications. It is applicable for Admin User.
Desktop view:

This is the desktop view for running applications. The desktop automatically switches to the Desktop view mode, when you log in to any application by clicking the icon. The system remains in this desktop view as long as there is at least one open window. When all the windows are closed, the system automatically switches back to the Application Overview screen.

In the case of the dual monitor, the primary monitor displays the running applications and the secondary monitor displays the background by default. You can move the application from the primary monitor to secondary monitor or from the secondary monitor to primary monitor. You can also switch to the Desktop screen by clicking the Show Desktop button on the taskbar (even when no applications are open). You can toggle between the Desktop screen and Application Overview screen by clicking the Show Desktop button.

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