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Dell Wyse ThinLinux 1.0.3 Administrator’s Guide



The Seeing tab enables you to configure the display settings.
  1. Click the ON/OFF button to enable or disable the High contrast option. If enabled, the contrast is increased and you can see the difference instantly.
  2. Click the ON/OFF button to enable or disable the Large text option. If enabled, the text size is increased and you can see the difference instantly.
  3. Click the ON/OFF button to enable or disable the zoom option. If enabled, the screen is zoomed in and you can control the screen by using the mouse.
    1. Click the Magnifier tab to configure the following settings:
      Table 1. Magnifier. The following table lists the various configurations:
      Parameter Description
      Magnification Click + to increase the magnification value and click to decrease the magnification value.
      Magnifier Position Select the Magnifier Position.
      • If you select Follow mouse cursor, the other option is disabled.
      • If you select Screen part, select the screen resolution from the drop-down list.
    2. Click Crosshairs tab to configure the following settings:
      • Move the slider to the right to increase the Thickness and Length of the crosshairs.

      • Click the Color tab, and select the preferred color.

    3. Click Color Effects tab to configure the following settings:
      • Click the ON/OFF button to enable or disable the White on Black option.
      • Move the slider to the right to increase the Brightness, Contrast and Color
    4. Click Close.
  4. Click the ON/OFF button to enable or disable the Screen Reader option. If enabled, the screen reader reads the displayed text as you move the text.
  5. Click the ON/OFF button to enable or disable the Sound Keys option. If enabled the beep sound when number lock or caps lock is clicked is turned ON.

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