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Dell Lifecycle Controller Remote Services v2.60.60.60 Quick Start Guide

Authorization and licensing requirements for API access

There are four levels of iDRAC licensing:

NOTE: Use the link en.community.dell.com/techcenter/extras/m/white_papers/20067632.aspx to download the WSMAN License and Privilege Specification white paper.
  • Base Management with IPMI
  • Express
  • Express for blades
  • Enterprise
Table 1. LicensingiDRAC licensing feature matrix
Feature Base Management with IPMI iDRAC Express iDRAC Express for Blades iDRAC Enterprise
Remote Firmware Update *Yes Yes Yes Yes
Repository Based Update No No No Yes
Automatic Update No No No Yes
Operating system Deployment No Yes Yes Yes
Device Configuration *Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostics Yes Yes Yes Yes
Server Profile Export No No No Yes
Server Profile Import Yes Yes Yes Yes
Part Replacement No Yes Yes Yes
Remote Services (through WSMAN) Yes Yes Yes Yes

* indicates that the feature is supported only on Dell 13th generation PowerEdge servers.


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