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Dell Lifecycle Controller Remote Services v2.60.60.60 Quick Start Guide

Firmware update

You can update or rollback component firmware from a network resource. A rollback operation is used to install the previous version of a component firmware. It also provides the ability to update using a repository and schedule automatic updates.

Follow the order below to update or rollback a firmware:

  1. Initiate and download an image.
  2. Create a reboot job.
  3. Schedule an update job.
  4. Monitor a job until the job is finished.
NOTE: Immediate updates such as diagnostics, driver pack, and iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller are not required to be scheduled. These update processes move from downloading state to completed state. Updating iDRAC resets the iDRAC when the job is marked completed.

For more information about automatic update, see Automatic Updates in Dell PowerEdge 12G Servers white paper available at www.delltechcenter.com/systemsmanagement.


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