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Dell Lifecycle Controller Remote Services v2.60.60.60 Quick Start Guide

Managing the web server certificate

By default, a self-signed certificate is available on iDRAC. You can generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and use the CSR to create a Certificate Authority (CA) signed certificate. To use this feature, the following methods are introduced in the iDRACCard profile:
  • GenerateSSLCSR

  • ExportSSLCertificate

  • ImportSSLCertificate

  • DeleteSSLCertificate

The method to support export and import operations are:
  • Web Server Certificate

  • CA certificate for Directory Service

  • Custom Signing Certificate

To use the new certificate, restart the iDRAC. A new method iDRACReset is added for this purpose.

For more information about managing the web server certificate, see the iDRAC Card Profile document available at www.delltechcenter.com/systemsmanagement.


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