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Dell Lifecycle Controller Remote Services v2.60.60.60 Quick Start Guide

RAID configuration

The RAID configuration feature is used to manage the properties and capabilities of the RAID storage. The RAID storage is modeled using a collection of attributes, where there are collections for the enclosures, storage adapters, logical disks, physical disk drives, and PCIeSSD devices. Also, there is a configuration service that contains all the methods used to configure the RAID storage.

You can perform the following operations:
  • Setting the boot VD
  • Change PD state (force offline/online)
  • Change persistent hot spare setting
  • Replace VD physical disk
  • Unlock secure foreign configuration
  • Perform prepare to remove method for PCIe SSD drives.
  • Perform secure erase method for PCIe SSD devices and SED drives.
  • Clear preserve cache.
  • Expand the online capacity.
  • Migrate the RAID level.
  • Set external enclosure asset tag / name.
  • Cancel rebuild physical disk.
  • Retrieve current configuration of RAID inventory.
  • Delete all virtual disks and unassign all the hot spare physical disk drives.
  • Prepare any foreign physical disk drives for inclusion in the local configuration.
  • Manage hot spares (assign / unassign global and dedicated).
  • Manage keys for self-encrypting drives.
  • Manage virtual disks. You can perform the following:
    • Create a single virtual disk. After the virtual disk is created, the FQDD of the virtual disk changes.

    • Initialize (fast or slow) the virtual disk using the physical disk drives attached to the PERC controller.

    • Delete a virtual disk from the PERC controller.

  • Configure the following RAID attributes:
    • Virtual disks—Read Policy, Write Policy, and Disk Cache Policy

    • Controllers—Background Initialization Rate, Check Consistency Mode, Check Consistency Rate, Copy Back Mode, Possible load balance modes, Patrol Read Mode, Rebuild Rate, and Reconstruction Rate.

  • Change RAID-ready states of the physical disk drives.
  • View PCIeSSD and extended card information.
  • Reset PERC controller configuration.
  • Import foreign configurations such that virtual disks are not lost after moving physical disks. The controllers provide support for auto import of foreign configuration.
  • Clear foreign configuration on physical disk drives attached to a controller.
  • Set patrol read mode to avoid disk failures and data loss or corruption.
  • Check the consistency of the redundancy information for redundant virtual disks.
  • Cancel the check consistency operation that is in progress on a virtual disk.
  • Blink or unblink the LEDs on the physical disk drives included in the virtual disk.
  • Create, change, or delete the security key using the Local Key Management (LKM) feature on controllers that support encryption of the drives.
NOTE: On Dell’s 13th generation PowerEdge server, you can now perform all RAID configuration jobs in real time without rebooting the host.

For more information on RAID configuration, see the SimpleRaid profile document available at en.community.dell.com/techcenter/systems-management/w/wiki/1906.dcim-library-profile.aspx. Also, see the iDRAC User’s Guide available at www.dell.com/esmmanuals.


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