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Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery User’s Guide

BIOSConnect errors codes

The following table lists the errors that may occur while using BIOSConnect:

Error message Workaround
BIOSConnect download failure
  • Ensure that the wireless signal strength is 75% at a minimum.
  • Use an Internet speed test to determine the speed of your network. The optimal network bandwidth is 50 Mbps.
  • Download BIOSConnect using a stable network or a wired network.
    NOTE: BIOSConnect does not support Wi-Fi 6 GHz, Wi-Fi 7 GHz, or WPA3.
  • Ensure that you configure the firewall or proxy on ports 80 and 443 to allow communication to the following destinations:
    • apigtwb2cnp.us.dell.com
    • apigtwb2c.us.dell.com
    • fta.dell.com
    • ftasit.dell.com
    • www.dell.com
    • i.dell.com
    • ome.apis.dell.com
    • tm-sdk.platinumai.net
    • qa-external-tm.plawebsvc01.net
    • downloads.dell.com
    • www.msftconnecttest.com
  • Retry or launch BIOSConnect on a different network if available.
Failed to find IP address Check the router settings and connect to a different wireless access point.
Unable to join network Check the router settings and password. Try to connect to the network again using valid credentials.
No internet connectivity
  • If you are using a wireless connection, check the router, verify the Internet settings, and attempt to reconnect to the network.
  • If you are using a wired connection, check the router settings and launch BIOSConnect again.
SupportAssist OS Recovery image type not supported The system data may not configured. Contact Dell Technical support.
Service OS Recovery not supported The device does not support Service OS Recovery. Contact Dell Technical Support.

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