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Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery User’s Guide

Scan hardware


Your computer must be connected to a power outlet.

About this task

The Scan hardware option on the SupportAssist OS Recovery home page enables you to run diagnostic tests to detect hardware issues. It scans the battery, cable, hard drive, keyboard, USB drives, fan, and memory to detect issues, if any.


  1. On the SupportAssist OS Recovery home page, click Scan on the Scan hardware tile.
  2. Click START SCAN.
    The hardware scan starts and the progress is displayed.
    • If no hardware issue is detected, the Everthing looks good status is displayed.
    • If a hardware issue is detected, a page with the details of the detected issue is displayed. Click the link on the page to access the Dell support website and follow the instructions to submit a trouble ticket. You can also scan the QR code to request support on your mobile device.
  3. Click DONE.

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