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Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery User’s Guide

Resetting and updating your computer using the Dell OS recovery tool

You can reset your computer and update the operating system of your computer to the latest available version using the Reset and update option. This updates the operating system to a version which is more current than the operating system installed at the Dell factory. It is recommended that you use this option only if your computer is irreparable or SupportAssist OS Recovery is unable to detect the factory image on your computer.

NOTE:The feature to reset your computer using the Reset and update option is supported only on certain Dell system models. For the list of system models where this feature is supported, see the Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery Support Matrix on the SupportAssist OS Recovery documentation page.

Before resetting your computer using the Reset and update option, you must:

  1. Download and install the Dell OS Recovery Tool. See Download and install Dell OS Recovery Tool.
  2. Create a SupportAssist OS Recovery USB key. See Create SupportAssist OS Recovery USB key.

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