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Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery User’s Guide

Enable or disable the automatic start of SupportAssist OS Recovery

About this task

By default, the automatic start of SupportAssist OS Recovery is enabled. If necessary, you can disable the automatic start of SupportAssist OS Recovery.
NOTE:It is recommended that you do not disable the automatic start of SupportAssist OS Recovery so that you receive assistance during operating system failure.


  1. Turn on or restart your computer.
  2. Press F2 to enter System Setup.
    NOTE:If you wait too long and the operating system logo is displayed, wait until you see the Windows desktop, restart your computer, and try again.
  3. In the left pane, expand SupportAssist System Resolution, and then select SupportAssist OS Recovery.
  4. In the right pane, select or clear the SupportAssist OS Recovery check box to enable or disable the automatic start of SupportAssist OS Recovery.
  5. Press F10 to save the changes and exit.
    NOTE:BIOS options may vary slightly depending on your system model.

    You can also start SupportAssist OS Recovery manually. See Manually start SupportAssist OS Recovery.

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