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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Default behavior of drive mapping

If mapping is not selected during the migration, the default behavior of the drive mapping with Migrate is:

  • If the new PC has only one drive, then all the drives are mapped to the single drive as there are no alternatives available.
  • If more than one drive is available on the new PC:
    • Migrate maps the operating system drive on the old PC to the operating system drive on the new PC.
    • Migrate maps the old PC drive to the new PC drives where the names match, and space is available on the new PC drive.
    • Migrate maps the old PC drive to a new PC drive based on the size if the names do not match.
    • Migrate maps the old PC drive to the operating system drive on the new PC and clears the default drive mapping if the transfer size of any drive on the old PC is 0.

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