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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 7.3 Command Line Interface Guide

Example Command For Adding Acquisition Information

To provide a value for an acquisition parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition <name=value pair 2> or omconfig servermodule assetinfo info=acquisition <name=value pair 2> . For example, type:
omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition purchasedate=122101
omconfig servermodule assetinfo info=acquisition purchasedate=122101
The following message is displayed:
Asset information set successfully.
You can type more than one omconfig system assetinfo or omconfig servermodule assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For example, to type more than one parameter value for info=acquisition, use the following example as a syntax guide:
omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition purchasecost=5000 
                                    waybill=123456 installdate=120501 purchasedate=050601 ponum=9999 signauth="John Smith" expensed=yes costcenter=finance
omconfig servermodule assetinfo info=acquisition purchasecost=5000 waybill=123456 installdate=120501 purchasedate=050601 ponum=9999
                                    signauth="John Smith" expensed=yes costcenter=finance
The following message is displayed:
Asset information set successfully.

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