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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 7.3 Command Line Interface Guide

Omconfig Global Disable Smart Thermal Shutdown

If you have previously enabled smart thermal shutdown using the omconfig command, you can disable smart thermal shutdown and return the system to its default setting. When smart thermal shutdown is disabled, the operating system and the server shuts down when the PV220S and PV221S enclosures reach a critical temperature of 0 or 50 degree Celsius.


Disables smart thermal shutdown for all controllers.


omconfig storage globalinfo action=disablests

Example to

Disable thermal shutdown. The omconfig command syntax for disabling thermal shutdown does not require a controller or enclosure ID.
  • NOTE: You can use the omreport storage globalinfo command to determine whether smart thermal shutdown is currently enabled or disabled. The status of smart thermal shutdown is also displayed in the GUI of Server Administrator. To locate this status, select the Storage object and the Information/Configuration tab.


omconfig storage globalinfo action=disablests

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