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April 24th, 2015 18:00

Alienware m14x 2000-0142 hard drive replacement and installation

Hi there, 
just recently had my Alienware M14x windows 7 operating system
(its three years old and out of warranty)
crash out on me. I managed to perform the diagnostic before it went completely 
ka-put, and receieved the 2000-0142 code and found out i have to replace the HDD.

The questions i have are,

what hard drive disc would work for me?(part number PCJG4, desc. HARD DRIVE, 500, S2, 7.2, 2.5, 512E, DRU)
Is this as simple as opening it up and changing out the hard drive?
or would i need to install anything along side it?(like new windows software)
and once i remove the other hard drive is it possible to get any of my data off it with an external hard drive setup?

thanks for taking a look.

2K Posts

April 25th, 2015 07:00

Hi sjromp,

The part# PCJG4 is a 500GB HDD from seagate. The Alienware M14x also supports a 640GB, 750GB - these are 7200RPM. There is also a 1TB HDD from Samsung - however this is 5400RPM. The system also supports a 256GB SSD.

Ideally once you replace the hard drive, you need to make a fresh install of the OS as the new hard drives come in raw format.

You could get an external caddy from a local hardware store, mount the old HDD on it, copy whatever data is visible.

Check this link - download the service manual and see how to replace the HDD.

Let us know if you have any further queries.

2K Posts

April 25th, 2015 07:00


Based on your location, you might get new hard drives with pre-installed OS. If you are in Europe, then you need to make a fresh install yourself.

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