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December 26th, 2010 14:00

HELP!! spilled water on my laptop!!

Yesterday i spilled about one third cup of water on my laptop. it spilled over th key and i think it got under them. i wiped the water one the keys of with a towel then flipped it over and patted the back to get water out. i heard rice got water out of things too so i let it st in a bowl of rice over night. i just took it out and it wont turn on. the light on the bottom left under they keyboard turns on then the computer beeps then the light turns off. i have a limited warranty and  i need to know what i can do to get it fixed.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

December 26th, 2010 14:00

If the system was powered on or had the battery in when the spill happened, chances are the mainboard is probably toast.  Make sure the system is completely dry before applying power again (remove the keyboard to check).  If it is and won't power up, the mainboard is toast.

The standard warranty will not cover repairs - this is accidental damage, covered only if you have Complete Care insurance on the system or through your homeowner's or renter's insurance.  The cost of a board is not small - it will be a few hundred dollars and may escalate quickly if other components like the CPU, RAM and drives are damaged as well.


53 Posts

December 26th, 2010 14:00

it sounds like there is a power problem or something wrong with the mother board if i was you have someone look at it whos good with computers or call dell and see what they say

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