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93 Posts


November 3rd, 2021 03:00

what does "windows raid" and "linux raid" mean in the LifeCycle Controller?

In a M640 blade server with iDRAC9 (for instance) i can create/initialize a raid virtual disk in 2 ways (at least).

During boot via F2 (System Setup), or by pressing F10 (Life Cycle Controller).

The F2 way looks pretty straight forward.

But via F10/LLC it asks me to choose between "Windows RAID" or "Linux RAID".
What is that about? What does the future OS have to do with this?

This M640 contains a H730P Mini Controller.

Also, via LLC i dont seem to be able to choose if/how the RAID should be initialized...

F10 ->


F2 ->




8.5K Posts

November 3rd, 2021 07:00



The option you are referring to is so that the Lifecycle Controller knows which driver to preload and how to treat the Virtual Disk created. With the options though Windows Raid supports Raid 0, 1, 5, and 10, where as the Linux Raid option only allows Raid 1. Once you select the H740p and the appropriate Raid choice you click next and can select the drives you wish to use in the Virtual Disk.


Let me know if this helps.



93 Posts

November 3rd, 2021 15:00

Yeah sorry, i still dont get it:)

Is the resulting RAID any different in any way if i choose the LLC-OS kinda way in comparison to the F2 System Setup way?



3.7K Posts

November 3rd, 2021 21:00

Hi, would you be able to upload the captured image where you want to make that choice so that we can understand you better? Thank you.

93 Posts

November 4th, 2021 04:00

Ok, so i wonder
* What is the difference between creating the raid via F2/SystemSetup and creating it via F10/LLC (where for some reason i need to specify an OS).

Attaching screenshots again

F2 System Setup -> Device Settings -> RAID Controller -> Configuration Management -> ...


F10 Lifecycle Controller -> Hardware Configuration -> Configuration Wizards -> RAID Configuration -> ...

93 Posts

November 4th, 2021 04:00

How will the resulting raid differ?
And how can i see which one i have "after the fact" so to speak?



8.5K Posts

November 4th, 2021 05:00

Correct, during the OS install it would need the driver for the controller in order to see the Virtual Disk, now the LCC preloads this, where as you would have to load it outside of using the LCC. As far as the controller, it will present the Virtual Disk to the OS, not the individual physical disk. 


Correct, the OS doesn't know the specific raid configuration, it just sees the presented Virtual Disk.



93 Posts

November 4th, 2021 05:00

"where the other will load them manually during the install"

You mean during install of the OS?

But the raid in a PERC H730 is transparent to the OS, isnt it? 

The OS has no clue if its installed on a single disk, a raid-0, raid-1, raid-5 etc, right?



8.5K Posts

November 4th, 2021 05:00



Using the LCC it will preload drivers, where the other will load them manually during the install, the other fundamental difference is that when installing through the LCC it will also create a recovery partion with the OS install, where F2 won't.





93 Posts

November 5th, 2021 03:00

Ok, so i tested and created a "windows type" vdisk via F10/LLC, and then booted a linux live cd.

The command fdisk -l /dev/sda works fine on the vdisk, and/but shows that there is no "recovery partition" on the disk.

There are no partiitons at all, and i would say that this should be the expected outcome.

So its still unclear if there are any differences in the resulting vdisks being created through the 2 different ways mentioned above.



3.4K Posts

November 5th, 2021 07:00


the advantage using LLC is that it provides drivers before the installation process.

Here more information:

The recovery partition is not created automatically from the LCC in the moment you create the vdisk, but from Windows.





93 Posts

November 5th, 2021 07:00

Umm, ok so the answer is something like this?

* There is no difference in the resulting vdisk
* The choice between windows/linux "type" merely has to do with letting the LLC know which OS will be installed later

So there really arent any different "types" (windows vs linux) of vdisks, right?



8.5K Posts

November 5th, 2021 08:00

*At the controller level there isn't a difference beyond raid level availability.


*That is correct, but keep in mind that this selection is mostly something geared toward the software controller configurations, not hardware controllers, like you are using. So with your configuration it is only to preload LCC drivers.


Hope this helps.



December 2nd, 2021 03:00

Hey all,

Im facing the same problem but with h730p mini.  My issue is that I can't even select the Linux RAID at no screen... I tried deleting all the vdisks and converting everything to non-raid and then again to RAID, but I didn't get the choice at no point during the process... I am doing it all through the LCC.

Appreciate your help in setting it up

December 2nd, 2021 04:00


My iDRAC, BIOS, and is indeed this version, but it seems that my OS driver pack is a newer version: 21.07.06.

Do I need to downgrade in order to use Linux RAID?




2.2K Posts

December 2nd, 2021 04:00



Can you make the following updates,


Dell OS Driver Pack


And if it's old can you update the BIOS and Controller FWs from here,


Alternatively, you can try to create a RAID like here,
How to create a Virtual Disk on a Dell Raid Controller Series 10 and 11

Hope that helps!

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