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1 Rookie


26 Posts


October 18th, 2022 12:00

iS THIS FORUM FOR hardware SUPPORT or SALES support?

I've noticed ANY time someone asks a question here, the official Dell response is "I've IM'ed you for some  saes number you won't have because you bought your machine used."

I'm reporting these comments as inappropropriate. If this is HARDWARE support forum, t makes NO difference who Dell sold it too.

If this is a function of Warranty service, then DELL should NOT let us aftermarket purchasers make a forum account.

If you don't want to host site to support aftermarket purchases, you should make it clear so your aftermarket products can be sold without ANY expectation of even basic knowledge support.

If anyone had a warranty claim, they would make it INSTEAD of coming to forum to educate themselves. 

I fail to see how silencing support HELPS your product reputation, but at least we can calculate that lack of support into our aftermarket purchase conditions.

You're allowed any walled garden the market will support, but passive aggressive gestapo tactics are just preventing us from helping each other solve problems with YOUR hardware.

I for one find it RUDE and for worse than NO ANSWER AT ALL!!!

Please either cease this anti-support practice, or delete the accounts of after market buyers.
I ask anyone else who finds this practice unacceptable to respond politely to this post, and maybe suggest a place for us Dell-Expatriots to gather instead of here.


Dell Precision Tower 7910|2x E5-2630 CPU|96GB Ram.
2x GT1050Ti| 2x 1TB Adata SSD | 1 500GB HD| `4TB HD

173 Posts

October 20th, 2022 07:00

Rateler, I've observed the same thing.  You make a post, a bot sends you a message asking for your Service Tag.  It doesn't matter if you send it in or not, because if you send the Service Tag info, the bot ignores it (or tells you that you are no longer in warranty, which I kind of already know).  I agree, it's horribly anti-customer and reflects a pretty malignant neglect of forum members by Dell.  Suggest that you get the advice you need here and ignore the inefficient/poor bot attacks by Dell warranty.

173 Posts

October 21st, 2022 04:00

So I just got a note from Dell customer service asking me for feedback.  I wrote:

"The forum, and forum members are great.  The Dell-CARES bot and forum moderation is horrid.  There is no human curation, so the bot keeps sending the same mindless messages.  And if one does reply (for example, to a requiest for the service number) there is no response: just another request for the service number.  Dell would get more good will out of this form by just turning the bots off.  No service number requests, nothing. Just provide a place where folks can get good answers about their DELL products.  A step up from that would be to have an actual human curate/read/moderate the forum.   I have only about a 10% expectation that a real human will read this and respond, but ... "hope springs eternal in the human _____".

The Dell auto-curation censored the last word in Alexander Pope's quoted line!  (Look it up if you want...)  And when I deleted the offending word and submitted it I got "You have exceeded the number of private messages allowed.  Wait for a while and resubmit".  Or some such nonsense.  Dell expects its bot curation and bot responses to work really well.  Instead, they detract from the value of the forum.  Dell could be getting credit for providing a useful environment but shoots itself in the foot with a lot of annyoing (automated annoying!) features.  Sigh....    I keep trying to help them understand this but ....  The automated bots will not acknowledge criticism of automated forum moderation.  Reminds me of HAL-9000....


1 Rookie


402 Posts

October 18th, 2022 13:00

I'm a user. I for one have no idea what passive-aggressive tactics you're talking about.

It's primarily a user forum, though Dell tech reps monitor and reply often. Sometimes (rather often) users have a question or concern about a system that's still under warranty or otherwise covered by support, in which case they may ask for a service tag, to be provided in a private message since it's not public info. The service tag is certainly relevant if the system is under support, but even if it isn't, all kinds of config info is referenceable with the tag. I don't think it's a requirement to get a reply from a Dell rep, however, and the users don't care one way or the other.

Do you have a technical question?

5 Practitioner


5.1K Posts

October 18th, 2022 15:00

Re:  iS THIS FORUM FOR hardware SUPPORT or SALES support?

It's neither. 

Contact Technical Support

Contact Sales Support

This Community Forum is for user like myself to find answers or share my knowledge with others.  You are free to join.  It doesn't matter if you own any Dell product, or your purchase was from Dell or aftermarket, you're welcome here.

To report inappropriate behavior or illegal business practice, you need to contact your local government.  Forum TOS will be the only rules enforced by forum Mods.

While your personal view might be valid to you, it's not necessary that other users will share the same view.  If you have machine issue that require assistance but out of warranty support from Dell, you can post it here and some members with knowledge with the subject may help.


1 Rookie


26 Posts

October 18th, 2022 22:00

Well, thank you for your responses.
I'm admittedly a little paranoid when I see an "Official" first responses to other peoples questions as effectively, "Let me see your papers."

I know I immediately felt unwelcome reading that on similar posts. There was NO official attempt to answer the question either.

The effect of that kind of non-answer, whether intended of not, it to make anyone without such info feel unwelcome. Especially seeing it on someone else's unanswered questions.

My T7910 was bought barebones. I don't know what it originally came with. I've changed all of it, and will continue to do so. So that answer is irrelevant.

The reason I HAD to ask this question was to prevent wasting my time if there was no attempt going to made to answer me.

I'm very glad to see my paranoia was unwarranted , and I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

1 Rookie


26 Posts

October 19th, 2022 12:00


 This is an example of what I'm talking about. What is the purpose of THREE PMs that Del hasn't received information that I don't have and is no longer relevant?

If this ISN'T meant to chase away after-market purchasers, it should be stopped, because I seriously doubt that I'm only person who reads that intent into it.

Thanks again to those who replied. I hope that even if you don't share my experience, you can at least understand my position.


5 Practitioner


5.1K Posts

October 19th, 2022 13:00

In your account settings, turn off email notification (I did) and you won't receive notification through email anymore.  If you have service tag, gave it to the bot and it will know that you are not relevant. Although this is not official technical or sales support site, some users ended up here do have current warranty contracts with Dell and therefore, required to be serviced.  I can see that without asking for service tags, Dell employees won't be able to tell who has warranty and required to open help ticket.  Many human Dell employees (Social Media, Dell Care, Moderators) must have received some programmed stats telling them the activities in here.  They, in turn, will redirect the questions to proper depts. or personnel.  The AI programs and bots Dell used here are far from perfect but somewhat acceptable as a free service.

I am not working for Dell so this is just the view from my perspective and understanding.  

1 Rookie


26 Posts

October 19th, 2022 14:00

Thanks for the reply. As I mentioned, I've gotten a little paranoid when someone wants to know about my information.

It didn't even occur to me that someone with a warranty claim would come here first. Even used, as I got it, my T7910 was a substantial investment on my part. If I had a warranty , this is not the first place I would come. I've learned the hard way that warranty support is frequently very conditional, and in most cases accept that I am on my own when dealing with "legal" warranties.

It was more seeing those identical messages attached to other peoples inquiries that spooked me. 

5 Practitioner


5.1K Posts

October 19th, 2022 18:00

Believe it or not but I do understand your concern.  However, it's very difficult to keep your information safe because all these businesses, including governments are practicing data harvesting, data mining, or collection.  They are sold, shared, or leaked very often.  For example, your internet browsers, service provider, track everything you do on internet and collecting the data can help them better marketing advertisement as well as improving the technical performance, service outage, etc...

I saw that you already posted a question regarding your T7910 but I was lost at the 16-bit PCI slot.  You may want to clean up your post a bit as the title and the question referred to different GPUs, so it's unclear of your goal.  I can't effectively assist with input or solution.

1 Rookie


26 Posts

October 20th, 2022 14:00

Thanks for additional replies.

I just wanted to make sure the public display of "Out of Warranty" wasn't shutting down discussion.

Often this kind of response sets a tone in the forum.

Maybe keeping the Bots to PM's and not "Warranty Shaming"  people publicly would be better

I actually went through the trouble of responding, and what a surprise, my system is out of warranty.


173 Posts

October 21st, 2022 14:00

In response to the note I sent I got a very considerate automated message...

"I have not received your Service Number".

Dell management has been taken over by bot-mania.  "But Mr. Vice President of Customer Relations, if bots are good enough to answer every question and do every function on this forum and moderate it, so that Dell saves money on not having to pay real humans, perhaps bots are good enough to do all the functions of a Vice President of Customer Relations, saving the very high salary of a VP?" 

I need a spam filter: every email with "DELL-Cares" obviously doesn't and should be deleted. 

I really have never experienced a forum completely moderated by bots.  Not a good look. 

5 Practitioner


5.1K Posts

October 22nd, 2022 22:00

To make you guys feeling better, read this thread so you can see that the forum is not completely moderated by bots.  But would thing be better when presented by human is another question. 

It confirmed that when service tag provided, it would get the OP to receive the required warranty service and the questions from users with no tag or out of warranty machines would have to rely on forum contributors, experts, and Rockstars for resolutions. 

That just the way how business works.

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