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This post is more than 5 years old


May 21st, 2004 17:00

D & E drives possessed by...?


​Well two problems. (oops, posted under General Hardware, my mistake.)​

1. D drive doesn't work - just spins and spins - takes hours to install what the E drive would install in 5 min. D is a DVD as well.​

​2. E drive is CD/RW drive - my only working drive - not THAT just sits with the drawer open!! Started today. A system restore did nothing. At shut down, it closes, opens, closes then leaves open. Same when turning on computer.​

​Any thoughts?​

​Dimension 4400 P4​

595 Posts

May 21st, 2004 17:00

First try one drive at a time in the system to see if you can get either to work. Make sure that the drive is jumpered to cable select and that the drive is recognized in BIOS.

15.3K Posts

May 21st, 2004 18:00

Hi Brendu,

Please click on the CD/RW link in my post and scroll to Section 15, article 1; Section 11, articles 2 & 1. Also Section 15, articles 14 & 13. You may wish to open the case and re-seat the IDE cable going from the motherboard to the back of each drive.

Best Regards

God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do and the eyesight to tell the

CD/RW Link

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