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March 1st, 2013 04:00

Dell Duo Inspiron 1090 Recovery

I have had my Dell for two years now. Recently, I decided that it was time to reset the computer back to the factory image. I began by using system restore to create the recovery disc using an external Lite-on drive. That went ok, twice. Every resource I reviewed online stated that I should press F8 at the BIOS startup. Well, there is not an F8 on this particular model, just an F2 for boot settings and F12 for advanced settings. So, I tried to boot from my recovery disc created. I received an error stating that a restore point was not found. Really, a restore point for a recovery disc? That was my thought. Then I tried to find a reset in the BIOS settings. No luck there either. Somehow, my computer does not show the recovery partition, but disk manager does. In addition, there is much online content and tech support about Dell Datasafe Local, but my unit uses Dell Datasafe Online. So, that is a waste. I think Dell needs to get there online resources and facts straight for ALL models.

I am at a loss because the next step is to either have someone with specialized knowledge here help me, or pay a premium for tech support, whether or not I can recover my OS (Windows 7 32 bit).

Does anybody know I am not doing correctly? Btw, that hogwash of not supplying a recovery disc is yet another corporate plan to increase revenue through sales and service. 

27 Posts

March 3rd, 2013 23:00

Try the following steps if you are not able to access Advanced Boot Options using the F8.

    • Start the computer
    • Click on Start button or the Windows button on the left hand side bottom corner of screen.
    • In the search programs and files above the start button, type CMD.
    • Then right click on the CMD in the resulting programs and then hit Run as administrator.
    • UAC (User Account Control) would pop up, hit continue.
    • The CMD (Command Prompt) window will come up.
    • In the CMD, type the command REAGENTC /BOOTTORE, (there is a space before the Forward Slash) and then hit enter.
    • It must say Operation Successful.
    • Close the CMD (Command Prompt) and then restart the system normally.
    • You would be able to see the screen Windows is Loading Files.
    • Wait until it comes to System Recovery Options and then hit next.
    • Select your name (User Account Name) in the drop down menu, enter the Account Login Password and then hit ok.
    • You should be able to see the Recovery Tools.
    • Hit the Dell Factory Image Restore and then follow the steps for PC Restore.

Hope this helps.

27 Posts

March 3rd, 2013 21:00

Tap F8 when the computer starts and you should be able to access advanced boot options. Click on repair my computer

You can follow the article :

You can also create the recovery media using the dell datasafe local. Refer to the link :

4 Posts

March 3rd, 2013 22:00

F8 has no function for this particular model, whatsoever. F2 and F12 run boot priorities and advanced set-up, respectively. I have created 2 recovery dvd's and it only allows me to restore the computer, not to recover or reinstall Windows. I need specialized expertise, not a generic .php. Can anyone offer this? Please help.

27 Posts

March 3rd, 2013 22:00

Have you tried the steps given at least once?

F2: BIOS setup (Manufacturer provided)

F12 : Boot Device Menu (Manufacturer provided)

F8 : Advanced Boot menu (Provided by Windows OS and not by manufacturer and thats why its not there on screen when you start the computer)

Start the computer and on dell logo (where you see F2 and F12 option) tap the F8 button once every second to access Advanced Boot Menu.

Please try the steps first and don't post things about which you do not have any knowledge of.

4 Posts

March 3rd, 2013 23:00

I have jammed and jammed on every function key. Right now I am going through the local datasafe backup process in hopes that once it has been completed it will access a recovery option. Makes little sense, is very complex, easy to complicate. The discs I burned offer no relief either. I am at a loss. I think the only other option is to pay premium prices for phone conversation. Hopefully they will not give me a run around.

7 Technologist


16K Posts

March 3rd, 2013 23:00

Ensure you tap F8 repeatedly, not just press it down. It does not work if you just press it down.

Also with respect to the Dell DataSafe do not create a set of recovery DVDs. Instead create a bootable USB (8 GB or superior USB stick required). I recommend avoiding recovery DVDs completely from DataSafe as it creates multiple and the chances of 1 not burning right and you having an incomplete image is high.

If that fails you may use a Windows 7 .iso and phone activation or request a Dell Reinstallation DVD (which is a proper Windows 7 installation DVD unlike the media from DataSafe). See my Windows Reinstallation Guide for more details:

4 Posts

March 4th, 2013 16:00

This is the correct answer, thank you! Just be careful not to mispell by leaving out the "c". Thank you!

27 Posts

March 4th, 2013 17:00

I am glad it helped. Please reply if you have any further questions.

1 Message

April 14th, 2013 08:00

Please can yo give me advice on how to reset the password on my Dell Inspiron 1090 as I have forgotten it and am unable to boot up. I don't have a disc or USB which it request for this

Thanking you in anticipation

April 26th, 2014 16:00

i have a disk called  Windows password recovery tool 3.0 you can download it here 

copy and paste into your browser

1 Message

October 28th, 2014 14:00

I'm having the same problem, but unfortunately this solution does not work.  Entering the above command returns:

Operation Failed: 2

The system cannot find the file specified.

When using the F8, I get to advanced boot options, but selecting recovery options just proceeds to normal boot.  The recovery partition appears (according the disk manager) as healthy.  Any other suggestions on this?

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