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November 11th, 2020 16:00

Dell XPS 13 9310, Display issue after installing update!


My Dell XPS 13 9310 with the 11th generation i7 processor, Intel(R) Iris Xe Graphics, and preinstalled Ubuntu 20.04 (Kenel just arrived yesterday. After installing the suggested updates, I restarted the laptop and it has been restarted with flickering/tearing (horizontal lines) and I cannot see and do anything. Then it goes into GNU GRUB options.
I restored the system into the original configuration and have updated firmware to the last version (Ver. 1.1.1) and after installing the updates, it has still the same issue.

I have tried Ubuntu 18.04 and after installing updates the same issue came back again!

Thanks in advance for your comments!

IMG_7303 (1).JPG

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

December 9th, 2020 08:00

Hey everyone,

same problem here. Screen's been acting up since day 1. It didn't faze much insofar as I thought I had a bunch of update pending but now my computer is bang up to date and the problem remains, I wonder whether the problem is hardware related?


I do not have the problem most of you described. However my colors (the blacks become greys), the contrast and the saturation are acting up whether it's plugged or not. It's really difficult to trigger the issue insofar as I don't know where the problem stems from but I'll try to record a video for clarity's sake. 


Yesterday evening, I was watching a video on YouTube and the screen went all blurry, as if out of the blue the image went from 1080p to 240p. You could barely see what was written on the screen. I should have taken a picture.


I hope to hear back from Dell on the matter, they've been burring their head in the sand until now despite the fact that everything seems to indicate that the problem is generalized and has affected a lot of us.

2 Posts

December 10th, 2020 07:00

Got my XPS since Friday last week and everything worked fine until now.

Just encountered the flickering and horizontal lines a few minutes ago. 

I have all the latest drivers and updates installed (Windows 10).
While i was typing the screen suddenly flashed and showed the horizontal lines just for a second. After that, everything was back to normal.

Hoping this doesn't become a thing. 

1 Message

December 15th, 2020 09:00

Same issue for me, Win 10 Home. Just received my XPS13 9310 last week. All drivers are updated and windows/dell/bios updates installed.

37 Posts

December 15th, 2020 09:00

Hi! Were you able to fix this? I have the same issue.


3 Posts

December 16th, 2020 00:00

@aheb , were you able to resolve the issue? I am facing the exact same problem. Haven't contacted customer service yet but am planning to

3 Posts

December 16th, 2020 01:00

@YassineS , what was the feedback from the dell team?

14 Posts

December 16th, 2020 07:00

Worked for me: I disabled the self-refresh option in the intel command center (see this post), the steps are: 
"Search for Intel Graphics Control Panel/Command Center When it opens click the Power icon (or System then Power in Command Center) Under change settings for the plan, change Panel Self Refresh to Disabled "
It solved the issue for me. 
I manage to take a picture of what my screen was doing:  
random flickering on brand new DELL XPS 9310random flickering on brand new DELL XPS 9310
I had another issue however after that, where my screen turns off randomly while I was working, unitl I move the mouse or stroke a key. I solved it by unistalling my graphic card driver in the peripherals and restart the computer. 
Hope this helps 


3 Posts

December 16th, 2020 12:00

Thanks @YassineS , I am working with the dell care team right now. My screen behaves slightly differently, more like pixelation for a few seconds and then back to normal. Let's see what they suggest!

14 Posts

December 18th, 2020 03:00

You can check my post in the thread! 

Tell me if that fixes the issues for you ! 



37 Posts

December 18th, 2020 06:00

Hello Guys,

Currently I'm testing Yassine's solution. I did all those setting and waiting to see if it works. I need to observe it for some days to be able to say if it works or not. 

I'm in touch with Dell as well. They told me that on system with the problems, changing the display didn't solve the issue.



1 Message

December 20th, 2020 11:00

Same issue XPS 13 9310. Has anyone had an official response from Dell on this one?

Am going to try disabling Panel Self Refresh and see if that has any impact.

6 Posts

December 21st, 2020 02:00

Hi @YassineS , 

I have EXACTLY the same issues. Random Flickering + Screen which goes black without any reasons. 

It's my second (new) Dell XPS 13 9310. I bought one in october. It has started to have these problems after all the update. I made all the support process with Dell and they agree to change my laptop with a new. I received it at the beginning of december, and, after all the update, all the problems comes back again... 

So I think this is an issue between Dell screen and Intel software because it's still here even if you change the machine..

Honestly DELL, it's a shame to sell such an expensive flasgship laptop, and it is such poor quality.

37 Posts

December 21st, 2020 03:00

Hi Guys, 

After doing the settings suggested by @YassineS , my screen is now going black randomly with the same frequency (3-5 times in a couple of hours of usage), although I don't see that random-pixel-screen anymore when this happens. The screen stays black up to 30 sec or more. 

See my video on it on Youtube (I started to film after the screen turned black, indeed):

I'm really getting tired of this sh**t, I paid a lot of money and this is what Dell gave me.

Best regards, 





December 21st, 2020 04:00

Hi @AttilaZ, I have the same problem. It started as the purple lines/pixelated screen several weeks ago. That doesn't happen that often anymore, but I do have the issue with the screen turning black for anywhere from 2-20 seconds, then the computer works like normal again. I also have sometimes an issue where everything on the screen looks like its doubled and the fonts look very fuzzy. I have updated all drivers, bios,...but nothing has helped. The only temporary fix I have found is that pressing CTRL+SHIFT+WINDOWS KEY+B seems to help (either when it's turned black or when I have other issues). This usually causes a beep and then everything is back to normal (I think it reset's your display driver)? But of course it's only a temporary solution and the black screen issue happens again sometime later. I usually have this happen at least half a dozen times a day... If anyone finds a permanent solution, please let us know.

3 Posts

December 21st, 2020 06:00

Having the same issue with XPS 13 9310 (Windows home). Opened a ticket with Dell support - they are going to send a replacement laptop.

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