Alienware Elite Care for Elite Gamers

Alienware Elite Care

Your ultimate support guardian
  • Your ultimate support guardian

Support Essentials

Accidents happen

Alienware Elite Care includes Accidental Damage Service for fast and seamless repairs due to drops, spills and electrical surges.

At your doorstep

When your gaming rig has problems that can’t be fixed remotely, we’ll send a technician to your doorstep, often within 1-2 business days.

SupportAssist Enabled Features

Your personal guardian

to keep you gaming at peak performance – predicting and resolving issues before they occur.

We scan your gaming PC for active threats;

isolating, deleting, and restoring files corrupted by viruses and malware to keep you secure.

With automated PC optimisations,

you can focus on gaming while we handle the rest: boosting performance, stability and network connectivity.

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