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Microsoft Deployment Tools 2013 Update 2 Contains an Issue in the UEFI Deployment Sequence

Zhrnutie: Information about resolving an issue in Microsoft Deployment Tools 2013 Update 2.

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MDT 2013 Will Not Image

While using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 2, you may encounter a situation where the computer will not image if the BIOS is configured in the UEFI mode despite having the UEFI option selected in MDT 2013.

The logs indicate an error of "UEFI=false,"


Research has determined this is occurring because the "Format and Partition Disk (UEFI)" property is not working correctly.


Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Edit

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 2 requires a manual edit to the formatting script in order to image through UEFI. Follow the steps below (Figure 1).

  1. Cut and paste "Format and Partition Disk" from an older existing task sequence.
  2. Disable the BIOS and UEFI "Format and Partition Disk" steps and paste the "Format and Partition Disk."
  3. Internal MDT scripts will automatically convert the drive to GPT mode and work with UEFI.

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 2 Task Sequence Menu
Figure 1

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