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Unable to Install Dell Threat Defense for Mac

Zhrnutie: An administrator may be unable to install Dell Threat Defense due to the product already being installed on the endpoint.

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Affected Products:

  • Dell Threat Defense

Affected Versions:

  • v1.0 and Later

Affected Platforms:

  • Mac

An administrator may see the message below, when installing Dell Threat Defense:

Notice that Dell threat Defense is already installed
Figure 1: (English Only) Notice that Dell threat Defense is already installed

This message may appear because:

  • Incompatible Dell Threat Defense was installed previously.
  • The same Dell Threat Defense version was already installed.
Note: For information about how to location version, reference How to Identify the Version of Dell Threat Defense.


Not Applicable


  1. Uninstall Dell Threat Defense.
  2. Install Dell Threat Defense.

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
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Dotknuté produkty

Dell Threat Defense