How to Install Adobe Photoshop Elements and Premier Elements on Dell Computers
Oversigt:This article discusses how to download and install Adobe Photoshop Elements or Adobe Premier Elements that are sold on Dell platforms.
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The Dell Digital Delivery icon reflects the latest version and may differ on your computer.
In Dell Digital Delivery, locate Adobe Photoshop Elements & Premier Elements [VERSION] and Copy the Dell provided Dell Digital Delivery Product Key or License Key depending on product version. Copy this Key in Notepad or Word as the Key is needed for installation.
The 16-digit alphanumeric license key or product key has been omitted from the above screenshot.
Adobe references the license key or product key as a redemption code.
Your version of Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premier Elements may differ from the screenshot.
The Dell Digital Delivery UI reflects the latest version. The user experience of Dell Digital Delivery may differ in legacy versions.
Failure to deactivate prohibits the reinstallation of the product.
Record the Serial Number. This Serial Number, which is required for activating your software, is different from the license and product key previously copied from Dell Digital Delivery. After noting the Serial Number, click Download.
The products' serial numbers were removed from the above screenshot.
The serial number (step 6) is different than the 16-digit alphanumeric redemption key (step 2).
Do not exit from this webpage until you have installed all appropriate products.
To help with troubleshooting and reinstallation, Dell highly recommends registering the serial number with Adobe at
In the pop-up, populate your Adobe ID and then click Continue.
Confirm the email address and then click Continue.
Note: The user’s email was removed from the above screenshot.
Populate your Adobe ID’s Password and then click Continue.
Click Continue.
Click Continue.
Optionally change the Language or installation Location. Click Continue to proceed.
Note: Clicking Continue starts the installation process.
Select the software for installation.
Sign into Adobe Account.
Click Activate Now.
Paste the Serial Number from Step 6. Click Next.
After installation is complete, optionally go to step 6 to install the other product.
Artikelnummer: 000182101
Artikeltype: How To
Senest ændret: 18 dec. 2024
Version: 26
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Artikelnummer: 000182101
Artikeltype: How To
Senest ændret: 18 dec. 2024
Version: 26
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